You're mine now <3

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Niall's POV

I woke up next morning I saw my beautiful girl-. oh I forgot she's not my girlfriend. 

I just stare at her, looking at her beautiful face. I wish she will be mine, I wish I can call her mine.

she's starting to move and I look away so she can see that I'm not looking at her.

She open her eyes and starts to rub it then she look at me.

"good morning Nialler" she said with her morning voice and then smiled at me

"good morning to you too, beautiful" when i said beautiful she's starting to blush and look away smiling. "and by the way you look cute when you blush" her cheeks is now tomato red.

"erm..thanks" she said looking at me and look away again to hide her cheeks


"Erm....Hayley do you have anything to do today? if you don't we can hang out today" I siad biting my lower lip nervously

"Yeah, sure. I'm just going to change my clothes" she said while getting up from the couch and went to her room.

Today I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm going to bring her to the beach and--. I was cut off bwhen Hayley's coming down to the living room. She's wearing a skinny jeans and her british flag top then her jacket with red Vans. That's why I love her, Her simplycity

"Ya ready?" I asked


"After you m'lady" I said while opening the door for her.

"hihi thanks you sir" she said while giggling

''''''''at the beach''''''''''

Hayley's POV

We we're walking at the beach and Niall's holding my hand. I'm not going to complain about him holding my hand, I mean i really like him and I know that he likes me

Then suddenly Niall stop walking and look at me straight in my brown eyes.

"Hayley, you know when I first saw you i feel like you're the one for me. And then you look at me, the way you look at me make me melt. when we became friendsi feel so happy because I can spend more times with now let me get straight to the point.....Hayley..will you be my girlfriend" he said, holding my hand and his blue eyes never breaking the contact from mine.

I nod and i hugged him tight. he lift me up and kissed me passionately not on the cheeks....but on the lips:*

so now i can't always update because I'm busy at school :((

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