When did I know?

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Love..I didn't really know what it was for a very long time. No one has ever been capable of giving it to me in a way that was obvious and never ending. I craved it through my adolescence until my teenage years. It changed and grew as I did the same. In so many ways I knew that no one would ever love me the way I desired. They always though that the bare minimum of an imitation of love would suffice. It didn't. My soul; it craved so much more. All goals unmet. A soul would never know. It made me question if I was worth much, but I knew deep down inside that I was worth a considerable amount of something at the least. So, I searched for it. Everywhere. Sadly, everywhere turned out to be the wrong place. Another goal unmet. Then, there was you. It became apparent instantaneously. You were what gave the search meaning. But, not yet. It wasn't time. Fate was unprepared to release it's happenings upon me, and so the search ended but so did the craving. Goal 1: met. It was then, in that bathroom, 23 seconds into no longer being a stranger, 14 seconds into shock, that I knew. You were the extra mile that the bare minimum didn't provide. You were what my soul craved. You were the very meaning of something more. You alone stood in the face of all things desirable and unleashed an abundance of love.

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