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I come home and see myself in the mirror.

I don't see a smile.

I don't see a sign of getting better.

I see someone in pain.

The pain that he was bought.

But though his items may fill a bottle cap sized gap

His gap for a loving family is huge.

A father who wants a divorce

A mother that verbally hurts others

Nephews who thinks he's going to burn in hell because of the lesson taught by his mother

Brothers who will leave but at least it's for their own good

Sisters that are already living lives

And me...I hate who is in the mirror.

He makes me cringe inside because

He's me.

I see someone who will never make it in society

Will never make it in his relationship

Will never make it to a better place.

How can I sleep knowing my date on earth

And fate in the afterlife.

My fantasies range from the impossible

To the deadly.

Instead of options for the better my mind shows me the worst.

I'm apart of a family tree made of twigs and glue.

But my twig is rotting

About to fall off the branch it was glued to.

When I look in the mirror, all I see

Is a price tag...

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