The End...

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This isn't a poem...

It's a salute to those who seek out help when needed.

To the ones that have someone to talk to.

Even if it feels like you can't talk to anyone

Don't worry, someone loves you.

If you feel like no one loves you, you're wrong.

People love you

People care

This is a salute to the ones who have made it this far.

To the ones that cry themselves to sleep and then find the strength to get up in the fucking morning!

To the ones who feel like hope is gone but you still try.

You try and try and never give in!

You survived

Like the rest of us.

You're just as wonderful as that band or actor you love.

As wonderful as the people who love us.

Don't end it all

Find a friend

Hug them

Cry on their shoulder

Tell them thank you

You have someone in your life that loves you.

It's not the end....

It's the beginning of something beautiful.......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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