Chapter 77

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I promise I haven't completely abandoned Harry and Annabelle. I seem to be desperately stuck between worlds, these days.


"I can't just tell her." Gemma shook her head at Annabelle. Annabelle sighed and shrugged, not knowing what else to do. "She'll go mad, Annabelle." Gemma folded her arms on top of the table, giving Annabelle a glare, that sort of said, "I'm pregnant and alone, don't argue with me."

Annabelle wrote down another suggestion, saying she'd go with Gemma to break the news to Anne. It would be better to have a bit of a support system, wouldn't it? Besides, Anne needed to know that her twenty-three-year-old daughter is pregnant.

I understand it's quite scary, telling your mom and all, but doesn't she deserve to know? After the shock wears off, I bet she'll be so happy to be a grandmother.

Gemma nodded slightly after reading the note. Of course, Anne would be so joyful to know she's going to be a grandmother, but she would also be appalled that Gemma, her little girl, is pregnant, and not married, nor in a committed relationship. So Gemma took Annabelle from Harry, giving him the excuse that they were going shopping. Harry felt like something wasn't right, but he didn't have time to really think about it, with Waffle being so energetic, and his heart begging to write a few new songs for Annabelle.

When Gemma finally spilled the words, "I'm pregnant," Anne basically froze for a solid three minutes. Anne was astounded, shocked, and confused, but she decided to try to be supportive. Anne knew what being a young mother consisted of, and she would want her daughter to suffer through being a single parent, or being alone, with the responsibilities of school and a child.

"You're not dropping out of school." Anne waved her finger and crossed her arms. "I won't allow it. I'll do what I can to help with the baby, but this is really on you, Gem. How could you be so, so," Anne sighed, not knowing what to say.

"I know, mum, and I'm sorry, but-"

"Who's the father?"


"Who is the father, Gemma?" Anne lowered her face, but kept her eyes on Gemma.

"His name is Peter. He's really a good guy, mum. I think, maybe, I might be in love with him." A small smile crept onto Gemma's face and she looked away, thinking of how handsome and sweet Peter is to her. Annabelle's mind drifted to Harry, and how beautiful he is, with his dimples, and small, but high cheekbones.

Anne and Gemma talked for an hour, at least, about whether Gemma should keep the baby, or give it up for adoption. They discussed seeing a doctor, and dropping the extra classes Gemma doesn't need to take to graduate. Annabelle sat on the couch, while Anne and Gemma stood in the middle of the room, lost in conversation. Annabelle messaged Harry, trying to annoy him.

To: Harry
you know, I think I'd like to spend the night here, with Anne.

From: Harry
Why would you want to do that?

To: Harry
she's a great cook.

From: Harry
What about me, doll? Are my cooking skills not up to par?

To: Harry
oh, one night away from each other won't hurt.

From: Harry
Yes it will. It will hurt deeply, horribly, tremendously. I'm just so attached to your cuddles, I can't go a day without them, you know.

To: Harry
hmm. okay, but I expect a clean apartment when I get home.

So, Harry rushed to clean as best as he possibly could, before Annabelle returned home. He took the trash to the dumpster downstairs, swept the floor, and dusted all of the furniture. It was more than he had cleaned in a while. Usually, he would just wipe off the things that were the most obvious, to make it seem as if he'd spent hours cleaning, but this time, he actually did spend hours cleaning. Annabelle deserved to come home to a clean apartment, she'd been working very hard lately, and been very stressed lately, but so in love lately.

Harry hugged Annabelle for a few extra seconds when she walked through the front door. He had truly missed her, which worried him. He wondered if maybe he were too attached. He wondered often, but he decided that as long as Annabelle were loving him, he would be loving her, and maybe even after that.

"I cleaned everywhere, and I fed Waffle. I even made sure he didn't mess on the floor again, so you're welcome." Harry grinned and kissed Annabelle's forehead.

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