Chapter 5

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Lucy and Natsu slowly made their way to the beautiful city. The city was still the same, like what Lucy expecting. It was nice for Lucy that she is back to the town. But she still has to be a ware of Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail was the one who caught her, what if they still remember her face? She could end up in the prison again. She didn't want end up there again, especially when she has Natsu and Igneel now.

The market was placed in the middle of the city. They immediately made their way there and buy the things they need. Food, seasoning, cooking material, clothes, soap, shampoo, and others. Natsu was lost for a while there but Lucy found him quickly.

After shopping done, Lucy told Natsu that she want to went somewhere. Natsu insist to go but Lucy said he can't follow her. Natsu keep whining but give up in the end. Now he was sitting on the bench at the park.

In front of her was a huge elegant mansion. The gate was blocking her to go in. There wasn't any reason for her to be there anyway. But there is one, as she remember. Her keys, her keys were there along with the man she hate. Sighing sourly, she start to walk back to the park.

But before she could, a hand stop her. Lucy turned to see who is it and it was happened to be one of the Fairy Tail's member. It was a girl with long red hair. Erza, if she remember it right. She was the one who caught her and now she was truly afraid. What if she remember her and was about to caught her again.

"Y-yes?" Lucy ask, trying to be polite when hell break inside of her.

"You look familiar but I can't make it. Who are you? My feeling said you're important." This supposed to be 'Erza' confessed.

"Ah, really? But I never meet you." Lucy said nervously. Both her hands was intertwined and sweating now.

"Really? I'm Erza Scarlet. Feel free to call me Erza." Erza said. Lucy nod her head nervously and bid her goodbye. She was about to run when Erza stop her again.

"Yeah, Erza?" Lucy ask.

"Now I remember. Lucy Heartfilia, right?" Erza said fiercely.

"Lucy Hearfilia? Who is it? I never heard her name before." Lucy lied. She know who exactly Lucy is. It was herself.

"No, I was sure. You are Lucy Heartfilia, the girl I caught year ago. You willingly come to me." Erza said making Lucy more nervous. She should've just bring Natsu.

"H-how can you be sure?" Lucy tried again. Eventhough she know she will failed later.

"This is the Heartfilia's mansion." Erza explain, pointing at the mansion Lucy look at earlier.

"And you have been staring at it for so long." Erza said firmly.

"S-so? I was just adoring it." Lucy lied again.

"Sorry, but you have to come with me. I don't know how you could run away from the jail when guards were everywhere for 24 hours." Erza said as she drag Lucy with her.

"Let me go!! I said I wasn't Lucy!" Lucy yelled as she keep struggling from her tight grasp on her wrist. Lucy was sure that her wrist was red now. Erza suddenly stop and she slowly turn to face Lucy.

"You have to tell me everything and I'll not take you to the jail." Erza offer. Lucy was silent for a while before nodding hesitantly.

"B-but I have to meet someone first or he'll be worried." Lucy said, talking about Natsu. Who would have know what would he do if he was worried. He was a dragon anyway and she was his mate.

"I'll follow then." Erza said firmly. Lucy unfortunately has to listen to what she said in order to not end up in jail again.

Lucy then lead her to the park where Natsu was. Natsu was sitting on a bench as his back lean on the tree which was being the bench. He was currently sleeping.

"Natsu." Lucy said, slowly shooting him. Erza fiercely watch them.

"Ngg." Natsu groaned. He has just sleep and in no five minutes someone has disturb him.

"Natsuuu." Lucy whine. As soon as Natsu realize who is it, he opened his eyes immediately. His eyes were full of happiness as her favourite blonde has come back.

"Luceee." He whined back like a children searching for his mother.

"What?" Lucy ask in amusement.

"I wanna go home already." He whined again.

"You could just go home first. I have some important things to do." Lucy explain, her hand moving to carassing his pink lock.

"Eh? What important thing? I'll follow!" Natsu exclaimed.

"No. I have to meet my friend and talk to her about some secret. So you'll not following. Just go home first or you could wait here." Lucy half lied.

"But..." He whine again. Erza who was getting impatient, stepped into the conversation.

"Hello." Erza greet politely. Natsu who realize her presence now, eye her suspiciously.

"I am Lucy's friend. And you could hand her to me with no worries. I will protect her for I am a mage." Erza said, try to reassure him.

"Mage?" Natsu ask.

"Yep." Erza answered proudly. Magic was one of her things to be proud of. Currently at the Fairy Tail, she was the stronger female mage there. Although that there were another mage that could be stronger than her, but that woman has stop from being a mage.

"I'll jut wait here. And i'll only give a hour." Natsu said stubornly.

"Alright." Lucy said, agreed to him. After saying goodbye with Lucy kiss his cheek, they started to walk where Erza want them to talk. It end up them talking at one of the famous cafe there.

Erza was ordering a strawberry cake with lemon tea while Lucy only order hot chocolate. It has been so long since she hasn't drink hot chocolate.

"So let's start. Explain yourself." Erza demand as Lucy

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