I'm here for him.

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Stiles had decided to head home after his talk with Erica. Yes he was angry, but could you blame him? His so called best friend just wanted to get him back to normal. Normal? What is normal? Stiles thought to himself.

He didn't care anymore by this point. He was becoming a fox. He wasn't sure what kind, but it didn't matter to Stiles. While in the middle of Stile's thoughts he almost ran into Theo head first.

"Whoa sorry I didn't see you there.."Stiles tone of voice wasn't friendly towards Theo but he knew why Theo was looking for him. " Hey it's okay man. But I need to know, Have you decided on your answer yet?" Theo said in a calm yet friendly voice.

"I've been slightly thinking about it today. " Stiles went to go on but sighed softly, Theo just looked at Stiles with this look and said "Well what's your answer Stiles?" Stiles looked away for a moment only to see Scott coming towards them. "Okay, I'll join your pack." Stiles turned back to Theo with a smirk on his face.

"But I need help from you first. I need to be left alone for a moment. Make sure Scott and the others don't know where I am or what I'm doing. Because if they do find out and stop me from what I'm about to do, you'll pay for it Theo." The tone of Stiles's voice was dark and cruel, very different from Stiles's normal tone.

"You have yourself a deal. Now go. I'll deal with Scott." Theo said with a smirk also. And with that Stiles left. By the time Scott caught up to Theo Stiles was long gone. "Theo where did Stiles go?" Scott said in almost panicky voice. "Scott do you really think that's any of your business? No it's not. Stiles wants to be left alone. So leave him alone." Theo said in a angry tone.

Scott was a little shocked by Theo's sudden attuide change. "Theo what's going on. Where is Stiles?" Theo just laughed in Scott's face. "You don't get it do you Scott? He doesn't want to see you. He doesn't want to be around you. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

Scott was about to shout at Theo when a man appeared from behind Scott. "Because I want to see my boyfriend. Now Tell me where Stiles is." The man behind Scott was none other Then Derek hale.

Theo just simply laughed at tall well bit werewolf in front of him. "So your the famous Derek Hale I have heard so little about." Theo smirked softly then looked at Scott then back to Derek. "If you want to find Stiles, find him yourself. I'm going home." Theo said with a grin as he walked out he needed to get prepared to help stiles leave for a while.

"Well he seem's friendly." Derek said which his voice dripping in sarcasm.
"He use to be." Scott said with a small sigh. "I am going to see if he is still around the school. Why don't you try Stiles's house?"

Derek smiled softly at Scott for a moment then went back to his usually grumpy looking face expression. "Good idea. Thanks Scott." And with that Derek left to go find his boyfriend.

I don't need help. (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now