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Au (part 17 finale.)

Lydia had just arrived at Derek's loft, she had a gun in her hand and she pointed it at Stiles. She knew what was going on with him. As did the rest.
"Stiles, please stop this, we just want to help." Lydia said in a sad but serious tone. "Step away from them or I'll shoot." Lydia said in a serious matter, but it was clear she was terrified of Stiles, her hands were trembling after all.

"Huh. Well you all have a funny way of showing it." Stiles said with a smirk before he waved his hand and the gun was now in Stiles's hand.
It happened so fast that everyone was standing there in utter shock.
"I don't need your help. Anyone of you. Because I can become both. At a price but who cares about the price." Stiles said as he twirled the gun around in his hand. Then looked back at Lydia.
"I think I'll kill you first. Or should I make you watch the others suffer?" Stiles said in a taunting yet childish manner, almost as if he was simply teasing.

But those words seemed to be the correct words, because as Stiles's smirk grew everyone else lunged towards him and while everyone was coming straight for him Stiles looked at Lydia with a sheepish look before firing a single shot at Lydia. Stiles has aimed it so it would  hit her right in centre of her forehead.
Everyone was stopped in their tracks for a brief moment before running over to check on Lydia, but they knew. It was to late.

Stiles just simply let out an evil cackle. You know like the Joker from Batman? Similar to that.
"Stiles why! Why did you kill her!" Scott yelled out to his former best friend. "Well.. you see that price I mentioned? If I kill at least 2 of my friends and or just the one I love I'll be able to be both a fox and a warlock." Stiles tilted his head slightly with a wicked smirk spread across his face.
"Such a shame I know. But hey. If it means I get to be this powerful then I'll kill all of you if I have to." Stiles said in a similar tone to earlier.

"Now, who to kill next." Stiles said as he moved around the room tapping objects with his finger tips. Derek lunged at Stiles but of course Stiles was able to doge it.
But Derek wasn't giving up that easily.
He walked towards Stiles and got on his knees.
"No one else Stiles, please no one else. Kill me and end it all. No one else has to die. So please, just kill me." Derek said with a sad smile on his face, his eyes were threatening to spill the tears that had swelled in his eyes.
It was clear that Derek wanted this to end, Derek thought maybe this way Stiles would leave the rest of his 'Pack' alone.
But how wrong he was.

"Hmm tempting but no Derek. I'll go for the true alpha over there, then some washed up former alpha." Stiles as he knocked Derek down onto the ground so he wasn't able to stop Stiles's next move.
Stiles now walked towards Scott, but Scott didn't care anymore, his best friend was gone that much was clear.
But he wanted to make sure everyone else got out even if he was the one who had to die it didn't matter anymore, so long as everyone else was safe.
If he didn't die tonight then someone else or more would by his best friends hand.
Stiles was right next to his former best friend now. He grinned as he brought the gun up to Scott's head.

"You know I shouldn't have saved you from killing yourself at that hotel Scott. Because then none of this would've happened. I would deal with my dad being dead. But let's be real Scott. Everything that has happened over the past year was because of you? You know that right. Me becoming the Nogitsune. Alison dying. Derek leaving. Liam wanting you dead. It's all your fault."
Those were the last words Scott McCall heard before a sudden loud bang and a scream from Derek then he feel to the floor. Stiles stood over the lifeless body of his former best friend and just had a simple smirk.

The end.

Jks. It's not it's a line break XD ❤️

Everything was black, all Stiles could see was black. But then suddenly he could start to see once again but what he saw almost made him scream.
It was himself, expect this version was pale and and his eyes were completely black.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up from his nap!" The other version of himself said in a cheeky tone before letting out a small laugh. It took Stiles a moment to process what was going on. "Scott! Lydia! Derek!" Stiles said remembering everything suddenly.

"Ah so you finally remember now do you?" Another laugh escaped the other him.
"Yes.. I remember everything." Stiles said in a sad tone.
"Hey don't be sad Stiles! You did what you had to." The other Stiles said trying to cheer the real stiles up.
"Look, it's not that bad, at least you left Derek alive! Which even I have to admit, I was surprised." The other version said with a small laugh.
Stiles had tears the threatening to spill by this point. "Hey no use crying over spilt milk! You are free to do what you want Stiles. Free from your so called friends." The blacked eyed version said this to Stiles with a smirk and had a childish tone to his voice.
"Look it's we have work to do. Theo is still looking for you as is the whole of beckon hills. So let's get going before they come find us? By us I mean you. Because well I am you now! Well part of you anyways! So time to get going sunny boy! Unless you want all your "hard work" to go to waste and rot in prison for the rest of your life.
But hey. Your choice kiddo!"

Stiles wiped away the tears in his eyes before sighing softly.
"Yeah okay lets go and ditch the jeep maybe?" Stiles said with a heavy sigh before starting the jeep to drive off.



Okay hey guys. I just want to say Thank you so bloody much for waiting 3 fricken months for the finale!!
And Jesus Christ this book is so poplar I can't even began to express my gratitude for all of your support with this book!
It was a simple little AU I did forever ago on Instagram and now it has turned into something amazing.
So thank you again on so many levels for sticking by and waiting for the update!
I hope you guys liked this book!
I might possibly do a sequel in the future!
But as for today! It's 12:53am on the 24th of November and it is my 22nd birthday today.
And I have officially completed my first short story book.
So thank you all so bloody AGAIN.
I love you all.
Have an amazing rest of the year!! ❤️❤️
~ Emilie

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