I Don't Care

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Scott stared at this man in front of him, he was wearing his best friend's face but it wasn't his best friend.
"Don't you get it yet Scott?" Stiles said with a small chuckle. "I don't care Scott. Not anymore." Scott was so taken back by this all he could do was take a step back and shake his head. After a moment or two he managed to say "This isn't you Stiles. Please, Stiles realise this before its to late."

Scott's voice seemed to crack in between his words. "Sorry to disappoint you Scotty but 'your' Stiles is gone. This is the new me. I don't need you or your pathetic excuse for a pack. Now when I gain control over my body, let me walk out that door and don't try and stop me. Or I will hurt you Scott." Stiles tone of voice was as Cold as ever.

Even Stiles himself realised this. But it didn't phase him even slightly. He wondered why this was, but then a voice in his mind seemed to echo threw his mind. "Don't worry my Dear Stiles. This is normal, this is all normal." Stiles closed his eyes and feel back into the couch suddenly. Scott was shocked by the words Stiles had spoken. It just seemed to be a dagger in him but when Stiles leaned back onto the couch, he was cautious about approaching him.

"Stiles? Stiles are you okay?" Stiles wasn't responding he was next to the couch now and grabbed Stiles's wrist to feel a pulse but Scott almost stood up in shock, Stiles was cold and he couldn't feel a pulse. Scott let go of Stiles hand and ran his hands threw his hair in a panicky motion. "Derek! DEREK! Get back in here! He's not breathing!"

Scott yelled for Derek's help. Scott couldn't think of what to do, he didn't know how to perform CPR, in the midst of his thoughts Derek rushed back into the house and rushed to Stiles's Side. As he took Stiles's hand suddenly Stiles's was awake and leaned forward, but his eyes.

Derek and Scott were shocked by Stiles's eyes, they were the colour of bright ember, similar to Kira's but with a tad more red. Stiles looked equally in shocked but then Stiles said "Help.. Someone help.." In a panicky voice before fainting and falling off the couch, but thankfully Derek caught him before he could hit the ground.

Derek put him back on the couch but placed him lying down.
Scott sat down across from Stiles. Scott was starting to have a panic attack from how worried he was about Stiles. Something wasn't right. There was no way this was his friend.

Scott was so rapped up in his own thoughts that he almost didn't hear Derek calling to him.
"Scott? Scott!" Derek said waving his hand in front of Scott's face trying to get his attention.

"It will be okay Scott I know it will be. We always find a way to win. So what's to stop us from helping Stiles this time?" Derek said with a small smile, he was trying to reassure Scott but also himself.

I don't need help. (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now