I'm always in love with the beagle line just so y'all know
And reading scenes where they're being mischievous cute and adorable makes me wanna rIP OUT SOMEONES ESOPHAGUS AND FEED IT TO MY NON-EXISTING CATS (too much emotion?)
And just everything is usually so perfect and they're so sync and ugh yyyyyyy (my heart is exploding rn)
But lol sometimes I feel like add extra chanbaek moments and make Chen seem like such a 3rd wheel XD
Poor jongdae having to have to deal with Yolanda and bonquisha riding their journey of success in the galaxy together while captain yifan continues sailing and looking for a basketball career (oops soz not soz)
But it's the best thing ever
Recently I've been into the beagle line more than ever
And beagle line stories are the shiz
Like literally the they do the dumbest sheit and they're so synchronized like how they are sometimes irl
I will never get enough bagels wbu?
Oh yeah me too, I like mine toasted with butter and cream cheese.
Anywho, comment your fave beagle?
Dumb Exo Fanfic Moments
De Todolegit dumb af things nearly all EXO stories have. *please don't read this please don't read this please don't read this* I wrote this when I FIRST got into kpop meaning the cringe will be real unless you yourself are cringeworthy hoe