.episode 4

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The others have been able to convince the law makers for there to be a sitting.
Leading to frequent halting of the bus as driver M and his people had stop at various junctions to answer some questions at a ruling

After months of back and forth , the final day for the ruling arrived. We sat in bus, with heavy hearts, panting and sweating profusely. Some hid under the seats, others prayed silently. Those who could afford to board the nice and good buses like US and and the UKs fled to board them. We were afraid, afraid the bus might be burnt down just in case there was any misunderstanding because of the ruing. It had happened to Liberia and the likes...where the buses were burnt down due to some misunderstanding between the drivers.....We were afraid

Through it all, the others were defeated....they accepted it gladly to the satisfaction of many.....although we knew deep down they didn't accept it...

We hopped on the bus as we continued our journey......a journey full of expectation....some good....some bad...

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