Chapter Seven

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(Leo's POV)

My phone buzzed constantly over the weekend, all of them being from the boys. The most from Ravi. Whenever his name popped up, it would send a pleasent feeling through me, which was strange. After the boys left that day, My mom told me she had to go on a work trip for two weeks, meaning I was home alone for two weeks. It was great that she put so much trust into me, but me being alone right now probably wasn't the best idea.

It was now Monday morning, and I had to go to school. I looked down at my cream sweater, and I saw red near the wrist. I must have not cleaned my skin properly. With a sigh, I went to my closet, picking another sweater, this one a black one. I looked at my outfit, seeing all the dark colors, but not really caring. My mom had left her car for me, so I could drive since she normally drove me to school. I still wasn't comfortable in a car, but I just had to deal with it.

The trip was uneventful, not like I was expecting anything. I pulled into an empty spot, realizing that I parked right next to Ken's car. The group must have already been here. With a sigh, I got out of the car, locking it, and made my way into school. Everyone ignored me like usual, since everyone was at breakfast right now. I ignored my growling stomach, walking to my locker. My stomach hurt, but it was a hurt I was used to.

"Hey Leo!" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around just in time to see red hair, as Hakyeon enveloped me in a hug. I was taken aback, and I didn't return the hug. Hakyeon must have realized that he made me uncomfortable, since he quickly let go and took a few steps backwards. "Sorry."

"It's alright..." I replied, my voice a little hoarse from not speaking over the weekend. I fiddled with my sleeves, not making eye contact with Hakyeon.

"Are you alright Leo?" He asked, trying to lift my chin so I would look at him.

"I'm fine," I lied, the phrase easily coming off my tongue. Hakyeon didn't look convinced as he grabbed my arm to drag me into an empty classroom. I let out a small yelp when he grabbed my wrist, and it stung. Once the door closed, Hakyeon locked it, and turned around to look at me with his arms crossed.

"Will you tell me what is going on now?" he asked, an angry look on his face. I had only seen him look angry a few times before, and that was all in joking. It was scary seeing him like this. I looked down at me feet, my arm still stinging from where he grabbed. "Leo!" My head jerked up at him yelling my name, and I quickly huddled into a corner, not knowing what to do with myself. "Let me see," he said softly, kneeling down in front of me. I knew what he was talking about, but I was unsure of what to do. He grabbed my arm harshly, and I let out another yelp.

"Hakyeon... Stop..." I pleaded as he started to lift my sleeve up. Once he lifted it up to my elbow, his eyes went wide. Cuts, fresh and old, littered the pale skin there. I couldn't help but cry at the look on his face. He looked angry, sad, and disappointed all at the same time. He grabbed my other arm, lifting the sleeve to find the same thing.

"Why?" he asked softly, looking into my eyes. I saw tears threatening to fall, but they never did. My tears wouldn't stop at this point, and Hakyeon brought me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I balled my hands up in the front of his shirt. I felt him draw circles on my back, just letting me cry into his shirt. "Shhh... It's alright..."

Hakyeon's phone went off, and he quickly checked it, one hand still around my waist. He sighed, pulling away from the hug to look at me. A few tears had fallen from his eyes, and it hurt me to see him like that. 'I really am a burden to others...' I thought to myself, lowering my head with a few sniffles here and there.

"The others are looking for us..." Hakyeon said quietly. "I can tell them that I didn't see you, and you can sneak out and go back home. Or, we can tell the others what is happening, since they have a right to kn-"

"No!" I nearly shouted, which threw Hakyeon off. It was the first time I had ever raised my voice like that, and he looked startled. "Please..." My voice had dropped back down again. "I don't want them to worry about me..."

"Leo, we already worry about you," he said softly, wiping a few tears from my cheeks. I felt my face darken, embarrassed by the fact that the others were worrying about me. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to go home," I said softly, looking at my hands, pushing the sleeves down to cover my arms again. I could feel myself getting sick, but I didn't want to tell Hakyeon that. He went to push my hair out of my face, and his eyes widened.

"Leo! You're burning up!" he exclaimed, unable to keep the panic off his face. He quickly grabbed his phone, about to message the other boys, but I quickly lifted my hand, grabbing his wrist.

"Please, I'm fine," I told him, meeting his eyes and holding eye contact. "I will be fine... I just need some sleep..." He looked skeptical, but since I was keeping eye contact, he relaxed slightly.

"Fine, but I'm going with you," he said, making me sigh softly. I kind of figured he would say that. Hakyeon stood up, offering me his hand. I held it, and he helped me up. "Leo, you're so light." I blushed, looking down at me feet.

"I drove to school, so we can take my car," I said softly, taking my keys out of my pocket. I quickly texted my mom that I wasn't feeling good, and she gave the school a call. After she texted that I could leave, Hakyeon and I left to walk to my car. Since the bell had already rung, the hallways were quiet.

"Do you want me to drive?" Hakyeon asked on the walk to the car. I was fine to drive, but I felt as if I told him that, he would force me to not drive anyway.

"You are just going to drive anyway, so what's the point in asking," I stated, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Is our little Leo being sassy?" Hakyeon asked, and I quickly looked at him. I was not little, I was taller than him. "Don't be afraid to show this side to the others."

"What side?" I asked, looking down at the ground. Hakyeon sighed, and I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye.

"There it went," he said, fixing his red hair with another sigh. I looked back at the ground, feeling bad about disappointing him. "Well, where did you park?"

"Over by Ken..." I mumbled, shaking slightly since the temperature had dropped slightly since I had entered the building. Hakyeon grunted in response, staying oddly silent. It was strange that he wasn't keeping a running commentary like always, but I guess that was because he was upset with me. Hakyeon unlocked the car once we got close, and I slipped into the passenger side. I watched as Hakyeon started the car, not saying a word. 'What is happening?' I asked myself, putting my seatbelt on and looking out the window.

I didn't know when, but I fell asleep. I guess I was more worn out then I actually thought. It had been such a long weekend by myself, but I did not have the heart to call the guys. They would be so disappointed in me if they ever found out about anything...


Author's Note,

Hey guys! Thank you so much! I may sound like a child, but I really did not think this story would be getting so many views. It means so much to me, and it helps me to continue writing. Thank you so much for the encouragement!



P.S. Did you guys see Vixx's "Depend on Me"? Because I pretty much died!

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