Chapter Fourteen

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(Leo's POV)

It felt good to be outside in the fresh air. I was still shaking from what Ravi did earlier, but it was nice to be outside in the open air. It was a beautiful day also. The sun was shining, and the cold was bearable today. I walked towards the park that wasn't far from my house, because not many people like going there. It was more woodsy instead of paths, so not many families went there.

I left my phone at my house, knowing my mother would message me constantly if I had it. Plus the boys had been bombarding me with questions since I ran out. I sighed again, taking a deep breathe as I sat on a bench. The trees blocked my view of anything, and I sat listening to the wind blow the branches against each other.

Since I couldn't see anything, I had no idea that the sky was starting to darken, and the winds were picking up even more. My body gave a shake as the temperature dropped a few degrees. 'Maybe it's time I get back home...' I thought, feeling my heart sped up a little bit. I stood up from the bench I was sitting on, and I jumped when a huge clash of thunder sounded.

"Oh shit..." I said outloud, feeling my heart pound painfully in my chest. I try to take a few steps, but my legs gave out, making me land hard onto my knees. My body was shaking violently as another clash of thunder occurred, a flash of lightning accompanying it. It started pouring, huge drops falling through the leaves that were on the branches. I collapsed completely, my body shaking.

"He...Help..." I whispered softly, knowing that no one would come and help. I was alone, and no one was there to help me. "Ra-Ravi...." My air came in short pants, my heart beating even faster. My vision clouded around the edges, white dots peppering the image. "Some-Someone?" My vision went, and everything got dark.


(Ravi's POV)

"You guys go look at the woods down the street, Leo likes to go there and think," Mrs. Jung told Hyuk and I. Ken and Hakyeon had taken off in the car towards the town, the rain falling down even harder. "Look at the paths, since he likes to go there when he is upset. Hongbin and I will look back towards the school."

"I understand," Hyuk said, pulling his hood up. All I could do was nod, since I did not trust my voice in the slightest. "We will call you if we find anything."

Mrs. Jung nodded, grabbing Hongbin's hand and taking him out to the car. Hyuk and I watched as they took off, still standing on the porch. Hyuk gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, opening the umbrella to start to walk towards the park. The thunder came every few minutes, and a bolt of lightning always followed. 'Please be alright Leo...' I prayed, not saying anything to Hyuk as we walked towards the park.

"He will be fine," Hyuk said, holding onto my hand. I was so scared, that I'm pretty sure Hyuk could feel me shaking the entire time we walked to the park. "Calm down alright."

"I'm trying," I said in a quiet voice, my body still shaking. The rain let up a little bit, but it was still storming. My pants were wet, but my upper half was still dry due to the umbrella. "We have to find him Hyuk... I will never forgive myself if we never find him... I'm the reason we're out here, and it was because of me that Leo cried..."

"I understand Ravi..." Hyuk said, holding my hand tighter. We walked in silence, seeing the park appear in front of us. Once we walked under the trees, it felt like the air temperature dropped about ten degrees. I wrapped my arm around me, trying to get some warmth from my body.

"Leo?" I yelled, walking a little bit faster.

"Ravi! Slow down! We can't have you getting hurt also," Hyuk said, making me slow down slightly. I sighed, feeling the nervous energy bubbling inside me. I was literally jumping from one foot to another, my heart beating a mile a minute.

"Leo!" I yelled again, cupping my hands over my mouth. I didn't know when, but tears started to fall from my eyes, but now they were. "LEO!"

"LEO!" Hyuk joined, walking down one of the paths with me. It was dark, and the rain was falling down through the trees, even bigger drops falling onto the black material of the umbrella. "Where could he be?" I could tell the maknae was starting to get worried, which made me worry.

"What's that?" I said, pointing to someone a couple hundred feet away. "Is that Leo?"

"Leo!" Hyuk said, running off. I quickly took after him, running past him. When we got closer, I saw the familiar mop of black hair, but the body wasn't moving. The tears were coming down my face freely as I raced to his side. He was laying on his stomach, his entire body soaked. Hyuk and I were getting wet, since the umbrella was forgotten about.

"Leo?" I questioned, flipping him around so his head was in my lap. He was so pale, even paler than normal if that was even possible. I pushed his wet hair out of his face, and he was ice cold. He's body was shaking so much, and his heart was pounding in his chest. Leo's breathing was in rough gasps, and I was freaking out.

"Leo..." Hyuk said softly, looking like he was about to pass out.

"Hyuk, call 911," I ordered, trying to not freak outwardly, just keeping my freak out internal. When I looked up Hyuk had yet to move at all. "HYUK! CALL 911!" With my raised voice, Hyuk instantly jumped into action. He whipped out his phone, and I didn't pay attention to his conversation as I messed with Leo's hair. He was shaking so much.

"They will be here as soon as possible," Hyuk said, getting down to my level, the umbrella in his hand. He crowded close to me, the umbrella blocking the rain from hitting the three of us. Leo's head was still in my lap, and I was crying again. In all reality, I probably never stopped crying at all.

"We have to tell the others that we found him," I said in a soft voice, not trusting myself to speak any louder. Hyuk jumped slightly, grabbing his phone from his pocket again. I saw him dialing Mrs. Jung's number, putting the phone to his ear. Again, I didn't pay attention, all my focus going onto the shaking boy in front of me.

"Mrs. Jung, and the others know now," Hyuk said softly, putting his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

"What have I done Hyuk?" I asked, my body being wracked with full sobs. It was the ugly cry that I hated doing in front of other people. It always made me uncomfortable to cry around others. "I ruined this poor boy..."

"He will be fine," Hyuk said softly, calming down. He was so much more mature than me, and it pained me since I was losing it here. I could hear the distant sound of sirens in the background, hoping that that was the ambulance coming for Leo. "You have to calm down."

"I know... But I don't think I can..." I said, my sobs stopping, but now I was shaking from the cold. I had a feeling that Hyuk and I were going to get sick since we were out in the rain right now. "It's my fault... It's my fault...."

Hyuk didn't say anything as he just kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder. 'I am so sorry Leo... It's my fault...' I thought, putting my forehead to Leo's, feeling the deathly cold.


Author's Note,

Hey guys, I apologize about not posting this part for a couple days. I have been lacking inspiration, and I have had trouble writing. I have written a few parts ahead, and I have yet to figure out how to advance the story. I apologize again, I've just been really stressed. Sorry about all the excuses.



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