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// Nico's pov \\

Of course there were a lot of questions from my family as soon as I got home.

Hazel: "What happened? Who did this to you? Who do I have to kill?! Why didn't you tell us that you were hospitalised?"

Seph: "Oh are you alright, Nico dear?"a

Father: "..."

My father had sat down on the couch and didn't even look in my direction. He was staring at the wall to my left. I knew this was just his way of coping with things like this but it still hurt. I wanted him to worry, to ask questions, to look like he cared.

He didn't move.

I ignored all the questions and just took myself off to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I stayed that way for a while, thinking my whole life through.

I eventually fell asleep.

// Will's pov \\

My mom was pissed to say the least. She spent a good hour ranting at me about how irresponsible and impulsive my decisions were. By the end of it, I was ready to curl up in a ball and die. I felt like shit. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't come up with any excuse to give to my mom. I definitely couldn't bring myself to blame Nico. I didn't even let myself think about him too much.

When my mom was finally done yelling at me, I walked as fast as possible without being obvious to my room. Finally alone, I sat down and stuck some earbuds in. It was too dangerous to play when mom was angry. She'd probably break whatever it was I decided to play. So I settled down on my bed, listening to Panic! At The Disco, tapping the beat of each song on my leg.

~time lapse~

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Emperor's New Clothes. I stretched and sat up. My ears hurt from where the earbuds had been digging in. I slept curled up on my side so the earbud had been pushing into my ear the whole time I slept.

I let the song finish then I turned my music off and took the earbuds out. I got out of bed and sat at my desk. The whole thing was littered with sheet music but I didn't let that stop me. I cleared a space, being careful not to mix anything up. I grabbed some paper and a pencil and started writing.

// Nico's pov \\

For the first time in a long time, I felt happy about going to school. I was moving schools and Will was moving with me. I was obviously nervous as hell; a new school, new people to meet, possible a new Octavian to deal with but I'd cross that bridge when I got to it.

Unfortunately, I still lived a few streets away from Octavian but I hardly ever left the house anyway so that didn't really matter too much. The bus stop for my new school's bus was in the opposite direction from Octavian's, so that meant one of the only times I actually left the house I would be far away from where Octavian was meant to be.

~time lapse~

I was starting a new school! This is actually happening. I'd finally gotten past my fears of telling people about what was happening with Octavian and things were changing for me.

I woke up and got out of bed earlier than usual but still not on time. I managed to drag myself out of bed, twenty minutes after my alarm went off. I then took a shower. After showering, I grabbed some black jeans, my black skull shirt and a plain black hoodie. I got changed, put my shoes on and went downstairs.

After grabbing my backpack and earbuds, I left the house and started walking to the bus stop. For the first time in a while, I wasn't afraid of getting to the stop.

When I got there I kept my earbuds in, Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time playing, and looked around at the others stood around me. A blonde girl and a boy with black hair and green eyes who were holding hands; three popular-looking girls, too with blonde hair and one with brown hair, giggling about something; a girl that was a friend of Hazel's, Reyna I think her name is, with black hair braided down her back; a girl with relatively long brown hair tied back in a bandana; and a boy with blond hair and a scar on his upper lip who was talking to the boy with the black hair.

No one really looked at me, but that was what I wanted. I didn't want to meet anyone right now, I wanted to wait until I saw Will. He always made me feel more confident in myself.

After two more songs, the bus pulled up. I let everyone else at my stop get on first before I climbed on. My stop was the first stop the bus made so there was only eight people on the bus right now. The blonde girl, her boyfriend and his friend were sat at the back. The rest of the people were dotted around. No one was in the front seat, where I usually sat on my old bus and since that was where me and Will first met, I decided to sit there.

Finally the bus reached Will's stop, and my blond-haired angel stepped on. He noticed me immediately and slid into the seat next to me. He smiled at me in the cute way he does, showing all his teeth and making his dimples come out. I smiled back. "Spoken to anyone yet?" He asked me.

"No. I was waiting for you." He smiled at me when I said that, then spun round to look at all the people on the bus.

"They all look really nice. Anyone here that you really want to introduce yourself to, Neeks?" He asked. Will had started calling me Neeks. He never called me Nico anymore. I'm positive I'm 'Neeks' in his phone as well.

I turned around to look at everyone too. "No one in particular." I replied. "Your choice." I smiled.

Then the bus pulled up outside the school. I bit my lip as all the others got off the bus. Will and I were the last ones on there. He took my hand in his and smiled at me encouragingly. "Come on Neeks, let's go."

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