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// Nico's pov \\

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?!" Octavian roared as I tried to pull myself back up onto my feet. I cannot believe I just fell into Octavian! Octavian! I am actually going to die. He's going to kill me.

I managed to push myself off him but ended up as a heap on the floor. Octavian sat forward and kicked me in the mouth. He then knelt down beside me then grabbed me by my hair, dragging my face closer to his. "Never do that again!" He hissed then punched me in the nose.

Will screamed for me then tried to punch Octavian but one of his bodyguards stopped him, grabbing his wrist. Octavian didn't even flinch, but I knew he saw Will's attempt to hit him. "Nice try, Solace." Octavian smirked at him.

Octavian's bodyguard let go of Will and, as soon as he did, Will grabbed me and helped me up. He grabbed my phone out of Octavian's pocket and lead me back to my seat at the front of the bus. I stared at my feet, intimidated by all the looks everyone on the bus was giving us.

Will sat me down and sat next to me. I wanted to ask what he was doing but I couldn't because of all the blood in my mouth. So I settled with raising an eyebrow. Luckily he understood.

"Nico. I'm going to help, okay? My mom's a doctor. I know what I'm doing. You can trust me." He said. Then he touched my nose and I had to bite back a scream. "Okay, okay. Maybe not." He sat in silence for a moment, thinking. "Can you get off the bus at my stop, please? Text your parents and I'll help you. You can trust me Nico."

I simply nodded in response. We were only about two minutes from his stop and I didn't think I could take the throbbing in my nose any longer.

I tried to text Seph but I could hardly see the keyboard on my phone. I handed my phone to Will, open on my messages to Seph, indicating for him to text her for me.

He took the phone and typed the message out. He showed me the message before he sent it and I nodded showing I approved. He sent it.

I was going to Will's house!

// Will's pov \\

The bus stopped, it was time for us to get off. I helped Nico up but he shrugged me off. I could hear Octavian and his bodyguards laughing from here. I clenched my fists.

Once the bus had turned a corner and we knew that Octavian couldn't see us, Nico spat the blood out of his mouth into some plants at the side of the road. Then we started the walk back to my house.

We walked in silence all the way there. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, we just didn't have anything to talk about that seemed appropriate considering what just happened.

Finally, we got back to my house. I unlocked the front door and showed Nico in. "No one's home. My mom and dad are both at work, and will be for quite a while. So you can be gone before they get here and you won't have to meet them if you don't want." I explained. I didn't want to bombard Nico with my parents - new people - straight away. He had just gone through being punched and kicked in the face at the back of a bus, I wasn't going to put him through any awkward introductions with my parents.

I took Nico into the kitchen and sat him down on a chair. He looked so cute, despite the fact he had a broken nose and a split lip.

I snapped myself out of my little trance and proceeded in finding all the things I needed to put Nico's face back to how it was before.

"I'm sorry in advance, but this is going to hurt like hell." I warned him. I then knelt down to his level and took his nose in my hands. I hadn't even begun cracking it back into place, and he winced. I took a deep breath then pushed Nico's nose back into place. He yelped in pain.

"Shit Will!" He growled at me.

"Calm down drama queen. Now sit still while I wipe up all this blood."

He looked so damn cute, I couldn't help but drink up his facial features as I cleaned all the blood off his face. He had a cute, small, now-slightly-crooked nose; large, round, brown eyes; pale skin; high cheek bones; and oddly full lips. A faint smile tugged at my lips.

"What are you smiling at, Solace?" Nico asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh, nothing important." Come on Will, stay focused.

// Nico's pov \\

I was actually inside Will Solace's house! Someone pinch me I must be dreaming.

He had a really nice house. But I wasn't that surprised. He said his mom was a doctor. Doctors get paid a lot of money.

Will lead me through his house to the kitchen, where he sat me down, rummaged around for some stuff. He then cracked my nose back into place, which hurt like hell. Then he wiped up all the blood. While he was doing that, I saw a small smile playing at his lips.

"What are you smiling at, Solace?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Huh? Oh, nothing important." He said. He obviously lied.

After cleaning my face, Will stood up properly. I felt slightly threatened. Will was around 6'3 and I was only 5'5 when I was standing, and I was now sat down. The height difference was ridiculous. He was, however, smiling brightly so I didn't actually feel that scared.

"Right then." He said. "What do you want to do now?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Would you like to stay here for a while or are you going to go home?"

"Oh." I hadn't thought about that. "Umm..."

"It's not a trick question, Nico." Will laughed. I blushed.

I thought a little more then decided— "I'll stay for a while."

Will's smile widened. "Great!"

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