Chapter 1- Enter Stage Left

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Well this has been a long time coming. Thanks to all of you guys who voted and commented. You rock. Also, thanks to Tish and Farisha for getting my bum in gear so I would actually finish writing this chapter. If it weren't for them then this story would be nowhere right now.

Enjoy chapter one.


                                                         Chapter 1- Enter Stage Left

                                                        The Shape of Things to Come

New York City was always alive and buzzing, even more so at night when everything was all in neon and fluorescent lighting. However, just because the streets were full of life, the skyscrapers did not necessarily adhere that. Take for example the gargantuan building located directly in the heart of the city. It was tall- nearly fifty storeys- with sleek dark glass panelled walls and simple yet tasteful iron bars crisscrossing over one another at the two sides for support. The entire structure exuded an aura of mystery, with the understated taste of danger. That was it. No sign, no bells and whistles, nothing to tell you of its purpose. Although, if one were to ask every civilian in the city, every single one would know exactly what you were talking about and tell you exactly what it was.

This building was deemed the ‘headquarters’ of the group known as Generation X by the press.

But what exactly is Generation X?

Generation X is, in its most basic form, a group of vigilantes who protect the city. There was, of course, more to them than day saving, but that need not be noted as yet. All that one needed to know was the core of it all.

Now the second question is this: Why would they have their headquarters located somewhere as conspicuous as the middle of New York City? Well, as said above, the building was just deemed headquarters by the press. The group did nothing to neither confirm nor deny this statement; it was easier to let them think that, than revealing their true headquarters.

But enough on that; we’re going off on a tangent. We were talking about the bright lights of the city... which always happened to be there…

It was true that no matter what time it was, what type of weather we were having, basically anything that one could think of, could cause the city to plunge itself into stillness, all silence and darkness. Except perhaps a blackout, but even then, the city would still be considered to alive due to the chaos that would be taking the street if there was a blackout.

However, at that moment, all the lights in the Generation X building were uncharacteristically out. The building itself was always under speculation by the public, especially the press, and the fact that the building had seemingly gone, well, dead, for lack of better word, had already sent tongues wagging. Every seemed to question it and not question it at the same time. Yes, they wanted to know why, but no one actually bothered to pursue the matter. After all, the lights were on yesterday, and they will most certainly be on tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that and so forth. No one questioned the fact that it was suddenly out. Besides, the lights would be back on, blazing at the likes that of an avenging angel tomorrow morning when the janitor comes in and demotes the unforeseen power loss as a short circuit due to an inexplicable power surge that tripped all the breakers, the media regurgitates the statement and everyone is put to rest once more and in the matter of a few days the incident is all but erased from their heads as more interesting news surfaces such as a failed robbery attempt at a nearby super market, but that’s neither here nor there.

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