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After two years of living in the university building Harry has gotten used to the life there, the relative calmness before the storm that will surely arrive every time finals were getting closer, the windy and cold winters and also how magnificent the landscapes surrounding the university looked like during spring and fall. Harry was used to it then again he was always amazed by the beauty in everything he crossed paths with.

I guess that says a lot about him, he is the type of guy who is in love with life and whose brain is full of ideas, he seems like a bit disperse from the outside, always daydreaming of how to improve the world surrounding him, adding a sparkle with his present that made him a very interesting character to follow. He might not be aware of this, but he is very aware of who he is deeply inside, he is kind and lovely, passionate about the causes he believes in and the values that move him forward, someone who would fight – even if he considers himself more a lover that a fighter- until the end of times for the people he cares of.

Harry loves art, he loves it so much that he is now majoring in it, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying music, classical literature in his free time, or taking photography courses whenever they are available. Harry lives life in the moment, he may be a bit eccentric in foreign eyes but he likes himself, he likes who he is and he enjoys to surround himself with people from different places and cultures, he enjoys the company of creative people who may not be like himself per se, but who he finds himself deeply fascinated by.

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