Play for me

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Niall read the book in one go, he sat down in his dorm bed and read and read and read until the clock gave 2 a.m. and he was a bit sleepy but he was finishing the book and he enjoyed the story and he loved the characters, how complex they are and he loved Dorian because he was young and innocent and was corrupted, and he saw it all and enjoyed his life to the maximum and he sinned and he did it a lot, and Dorian was handsome and he wondered if someone like him will fall in love with him, not will all the sinning and that but with the initial innocence of him, with his captivating eyes and beautiful skin, and the joy he used to bring everywhere he goes, and Niall dreams, he dreams of parties and love, of belonging and living his life to the fullest, he is not innocent but he is not wild as Dorian but he wants to be free, he is free, but he wants to be free, he wants to travel and see the world as Dorian did, he wants adventure but he also wants to have someone to share that with. Niall dreams, he dreams of a warm place he can call home and he wishes with all his heart that he will find the opportunity to do everything he wants to do and more.

Niall wants to go to Africa, climb the highest mountain and see the landscapes he has seen in the national geographic magazines, he also wants to go because he can develop a project there, and help people, Niall wants to help people, he wants to live in a better world and Niall studies hard for it, he is going to graduate and take chances, travel and see, he misses home but he is an adult now and he knows he will come back once he sees some more, once he experiences life as is served to him, he wants it all.

He returned the book the next day pleased of his reading skills and because he chose a good book to read before all the studying was needed.

It has being a week now since he returned the book and today Niall has been on and about the place, he walked around the university grounds and enjoyed the last days of reasonable freedom –or sanity-. He only had one class that day in the late morning so we treat himself to lunch and catch up with his uni friends who were busy too with school and work. He couldn't work because he didn't have much free time to do so, he had taken some extra courses to be able to play guitar more frequently and he was helping some girls who wanted to be singers to practise some while he played the tunes for them.

Niall always had fun doing it, it helped him to relieve some stress, because he was single and all so he couldn't do it in other ways, ways that would make him really happy if his honest too, after all being and teenager provided his body with too many hormones.

Niall doesn't think about finals that day, he recalls the little breeze near the small lake in the university grounds and he enjoys the sunny day, and he is lucky that he is free today and that is a beautiful day outside and he plays his guitar and he sang his favourite song and Niall was happy, he was the luckiest in his opinion, he got the afternoon to do as he pleased, the world was lovely as it seems and he went back to his dorm building after having the best dinner ever and feeling utterly satisfied with the way he spent the day.

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