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Harry stops in his tracks, he does it because he has been coming to this record store for a while now, because it has a vintage with vinyl records in it, posters hanging in the walls of his favourite bands and of amazing musicians he used to listen when he was a child. This record store is not all shiny and new and he has never felt uncomfortable here, don't get me wrong, Harry likes shiny things – he is a glitter lover himself- but he also loves old buildings and places with a lot of history, he sees potential in them, and this store has the best of both worlds.

Harry doesn't stop in his tracks because from one day to another the owner decided that he was going to change the whole aesthetic of the place or such a thing, he stops because someone is standing in front of the part of the store where Harry's favourite music albums are, he himself convinced and helped the owner to move them closer one to another and yeah their music is amazing and he frequently sees people in that area who checking out the vinyl records but they usually are people of age, because a lot of fans of the bands he listens to are older people not youngster, he is a huge fan himself of The Rolling Stones, The Mamas and The Papas, The Beatles, The Eagles and such, but he is not like the average fan of said bands, after all he is quite young and still at university studying art, but there he is, in that special corner, a blonde guy curiously looking through the albums, touching everything with so much care that you know he is moved by what he is seeing.

Harry stopped and instead he chose to stay near to steal some glances of this stranger who is currently admiring the work of one of his all-time favourite bands.

The record store always has some music playing and suddenly in the speakers is playing Angie by the rolling stones and the stranger is suddenly looking up at the ceiling but only for a second because he closes his eyes and starts humming along the song that is playing and the whole scene is so fascinating to Harry, he catches himself leaning over to have a better look of the boy who is properly singing now and oh he does have a pretty voice. The song ended, immediately another song by the eagles is playing in the speakers and the boy keeps singing the song that he knows by heart and he starts moving to other part of the store, so Harry loses sight of him and he feels a little confused of what happened but he thinks that he might have dreamed about it, after all he is too creative for his own sake, so Harry moves forward and goes to the so familiar part of the store, which is located at the back of the store where the most valued items are.

He has always come here since he first found out the place and he is well known by the manager of the store who he easily befriended one day because that's how Harry rolls. He once befriend a rock when he was a child, it was a pretty one, so he keep it for a few years. Harry used to talk to the rock all the time, when he was happy or when he was feeling down, of course he never expected an answer back, it was a rock after all, but he felt better talking to it.

Harry hangs for a few more minutes in the store, because he is in fact, waiting for the manager to go to the coffee shop nearby to have a nice cup of coffee with their friends and to talk about music and whatnot.

Harry is in love with the little coffee shop that no one in his uni knows about, even when it's located only a few blocks away from it. He likes it because it gives a vibe of home and Harry misses home, he misses his mum who is the loveliest woman in the world. This coffee shop feels genuine and original to Harry and he is weak for those things. The coffee shop is never crowded and it provides the best place to hide away wilts he immerses in his own world when he is reading his favourite writer books and enjoying the smell of organic roasted ground coffee or when is pouring rain outside and he stares back looking at people running down the street trying to find a place to hide from the rain, he imagines himself dancing in the rain to the sound of his own heart drumming, but he doesn't do that, because he is kind of fragile, though he doesn't like to admit it, he would easily get a cold if he does that, nevertheless, he allows himself to dream because when he is in that place, he is safe and he dream that he is a kid again playing in the background of his house.

Harry is charming and fun, he loves expending time with friends, experiencing new things, he likes discovering places and taking pictures of it, he has friends of all ages and backgrounds and he usually takes sneaky portraits of them because Harry loves to keep memories, he loves to have a laugh but he also enjoys a deep conversation. Harry loves, that's what Harry does, he loves.

Every little detail goes noticed by him, and now he is in the familiar coffee shop sitting next to the window and paying close attention to the conversation going around the table and he is having the time of his life, because he is young and Harry knows it but he likes to know, everything about anything, being curious and all got him in trouble a few times in his youngster years but Harry is a good kid, yes he is.

A song starts playing and is so subtle that Harry can barely hear it, he bets its only like a background noise to give a nice ambiance to the place, but he can't stop himself from smiling because it's the same song that it was playing earlier at the music store and that remind him of the boy who was humming the song and then the boy started singing it properly, and that is one of his favourite song but he can't erase the image in his head because Harry is curious and he was captivated by that person who was looking in his favourite part of the store.

He suddenly sees a blur In front of him and it's a hand, yes a hand in front of his face, and now his friends are laughing but is a warm laugh, because they keep teasing him about daydreaming and smiling with the song, because they know he loves that band and they know how Harry is and Harry loves his friends, and the band, and the coffee shop and Harry loves to take pictures and he might or might not have taken a snap of the boy at the store because he had an aura in him and it's a beautiful picture of the guy with his eyes closed and looking up, and he looked so calm and pleased and Harry did it out of the blue, he didn't planned it, just happened, but now that he thinks about it, it seems a bit creepy to take pictures of a stranger, because it feels so intimate, is already one of Harry's favourites so he will keep the memory for himself, after all, photographs are memories we made for ourselves.

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