Chapter 9 - Jess And Ross

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Ross's POV

I watched as Ghetto went back into the White House. Nick and AK exchanged a few words before the girl bounded down the stairs.

I waited a few minutes after they left to make sure they didn't come back for something. After those few minutes, I stood up, the explosives clanking slightly in my bag.

I walked slowly up the stairs, savoring the feeling of walking into a national monument. It won't be here for long.

I walked through the door, examining the barricades. They had been put up not too long ago. It's too bad that all their work will be in vain soon.

I walked into the main hall. It was huge and covered with vines.

I noticed a hall to my left and had a sneaking suspicion of where Sky was.

I walked down the hall slowly so as not to attract anyone. I quietly pulled my M9 from its holster and pulled the hammer back, flinching slightly at the click sound as it echoed through the halls.

"What was that?" I heard a male voice.

"I'm not sure...." Another male voice answered. It was louder, so they must've been close. I pointed my gun down the hall, stopping by an open metal door leading into a room with 2 other metal doors.

The 2 men walked around the corner unarmed. One had what looked like a camera on his face and the other had an eyepatch. (...isn't eyepatch a word??? It auto corrected to stopwatch!)

I smirked as they noticed me and froze. I noticed the one with the eyepatch slowly creeping his hand to his G18 in its holster.

"Nope. You touch the gun and you die." I spoke. He froze once again, eyeing me anxiously.

"Take off your holsters, both of you, and toss them towards me."

Reluctantly, they slowly undid their holsters and threw them at me. They landed at my feet, and I kicked them away.

I saw nothing else on them. "Now put your hands above your head and go into this room." I ordered, gesturing to the door next to me.

They put their hands up and slowly walked into the room. I smirked, keeping the gun aimed at the camera face.

I walked over to one of the doors and pulled the lever, opening it. It was an empty closet.

I looked back at the 2, my face blank. "Go in, camera face."

As he walked by, he angrily muttered, "It's Corey...."

The moment he walked in, I pushed the lever back up, locking him in the closet. He began banging on the door. I ignored it.

I walked over to the other door and opened it to reveal another closet. "Go in." I spoke plainly.

He walked in and turned to face me. "You're gonna pay for this." I scoffed and shut the door, locking him in.

I left them in there to continue my trek to the bunker. Now where's Ghetto...?

I had to pass through a small library to continue on my way. I paused when I saw Ghetto muttering to himself. I smiled and took my finger off the trigger and put it in a hitting position.

I walked quietly up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, his face of confusion instantaneously turning into a face of shock.

Before he could fully register who I was, I whacked him over the head, knocking him out. I pulled a pair of handcuffs from my pocket and cuffed him. Now where do I put him?

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