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You think I am just a child, why can't you understand
I never had a childhood, I grew up way too fast
I hate these refugee camps, no this is not my land
Never mind the war and flames, I just want to go back

I don't want to live like this. Don't want to be a refugee
All I have ever known is at such a long distance
They tell me about those boys arrested for graffiti
When I grow up, I'll too go and join the resistance

But why did they hurt us? What reason did they have?
Mama says that the army is full of heartless beasts
How can someone not have any regard for human life?
In whose name do they drown my land in misery?

My tongue is fine but my heart is severely wounded
And my eyes shed tears like a never ending stream
I mourn since so long though I know that I should not
My folks are in Paradise and I know that they are free

They continue their policies of mayhem
But my people's proud spirit will never bend
The clouds of misery and tyranny will fade away
Someday this carnage and protests will end

As I dream about a free peaceful Syria
A cold and heavy feeling overwhelms all sensations
Dusty winds and blood red skies call over and over
Is there any hope left? Is there any salvation?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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