Chapter 1

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“Pandora get up we have to meet Alpha Thorn and his pack tonight!” my father shouted from downstairs. I opened my eyes as if on demand and blinked for adjustment to the moon’s silver rays piercing through my windows.  I can’t help but feel tired who wouldn’t?  For the past six months all my life has been is the treaty between werewolves and vampires – the joys.

But finally today is the day this thing is over. The treaty is basically stating that werewolves and vampires are allies so they cannot kill each other anymore. It also means schools combine which means my vampire/ witchcraft school will now be infected with dogs and fish and other lesser beings. As you probably gather not too thrilled about this whole deal.


“I’M COMING OKAY!” Great time to face this prospect. I get up and head for the bathroom and have a quick shower allowing the water to wash away all my tiredness. Once done I come out of the shower and open my wardrobe in search of finding something at least half decent. I’m not dressing fancy this isn’t something I’m happy about interrupting my precious sleep and meeting some dogs.

Finally I decide on a gown. It’s a mixture of deep black, blue and purple with an intricate detailing on the corset but then flows nicely after the waist giving enough definition to my curves. I leave my hair down and put on dark eye shadow and the choker my mum wore on her wedding day.

My mother died when I was very young and so I never knew much about her plus my dad doesn’t like talking about it. She had a virus and by the time we found out it was too late. My father’s changed since that day. He’s become a lot harder on me and brother whilst being more protective – especially of my sister. I think it’s because she looks like my mum and is very vulnerable.

Once I finished dressing after putting on some black heels I walk down stairs to see my father, brother and sister having breakfast in the kitchen.

 The smell of toast hit my senses and a warm feeling extends to my stomach. I grab some slices and sat down. Let’s just say you wouldn’t need to be a rocket scientist to detective the tension in the room.

“Right today is a big day in our history. Today is the day our race becomes safe and establish peace. I want nothing to mess it up do I make myself clear?” Despite the fact being rhetorical me and my siblings still feel the need to agree.

“I don’t see why this is even happening we’re stronger than them and smarter. I could probably take them down in a second given the chance.”

“I don’t care what you think you can do Lucas this isn’t about you its about our kind which is more important than your petty obsession to prove yourself son”.

My brother had the same view as me on the issue which is good I’m glad someone else sees sense.


“um, what? Sorry.” That was embarrassing. Did I not mention I sometimes phase out.

“I was asking how you feel about the issue?” My dad turning it on me great.

“To be honest I’m not thrilled but I understand the method behind the madness and I’m  not really in a position to give a valid opinion.” It was true as well I’m not besides if I do it gets no where I’d rather just go about my day with my own life in private I don’t need to concern myself in others.

After breakfast I stayed in my room in private well until my sister came in.

“hey Lorna what do I owe the pleasure” I have to be careful here my sister gets scared  a lot so I’m guessing today’s meeting is on her mind.

“Pandora today will go fine right I mean nothing bad will happen?”

“I doubt it the werewolves are probably in the same boat as us besides even so if it did me and Lucas will protect you before anything happens”

She looked unsure of my answer not that I expected a generally reaction that’s not the way in which I play the game so its natural for her  to be pondering my dual perspective.

“so what are you up to?”


“can I see?”

I motioned for her to come over and her face lit up giving me a weak smile.

“wow! That’s amazing sis I wish I could draw like that it’s beautiful” It was only the sky nothing special I draw it a lot its calming but I guess to her its different since I hide most of my work

“you should show it to dad I bet he would be so impressed” My smile faded.

“no its not special or anything” Her smile sunk then damn it I hate taking away her joy.

“Hey I like your hair today” In truth her hair wasn’t any different always in a plait but it was a good distraction cause she seemed to smile.

After a while longer my brother entered saying it was time to go. Lorna bounced off down the hall to the stairs whereas me and my brother took a much slower approach.

“You look like hell.” Ah, the kind words of your family.

“You don’t look much better.” He smiled at that. Lucas and I had a close relationship, probably due to our age but also because we had a reality we faced together unlike our sister who had the protection of our dad we had been through hell and war and bloodshed together making us stronger. I can’t say we were great friends I mean he’s a bastard and very impulsive but he generally has his heart in the right place.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me down the stairs. “You know this isn’t going to work out right?” I paused at his statement which he sensed in a second and stopped.

“Even if it doesn’t we can’t not try. We can keep peace for a while that’s all that matters okay?” I cupped his face causing his eyes to close showing comfort. I think he needed it. Hell I needed it.

We continued down the stairs to see our sister and father waiting. Once together we all walked out and got into the car and set off for the Hall of Quintessence.  That’s where the treaty would be signed so our driver hurried on the pace to ensure not being late.

When we arrived many people were wandering around the ballroom. It was beautiful. The ceilings had an intricate gold pattern lacing the until the corners of the walls. It had huge chandeliers that dangled from the great height glistening over the sparkling floor to which people from all species were moving. It looked rather amusing to an outsider. They seemed to not be able to coordinate themselves correctly however in reality they didn’t know who to associate with.

After a few minutes we were left to our own devices so I decided to move down onto the floor. I could see many vampires and witches watch me with jealous or lustful eyes. I won’t lie I’m not ugly but I can’t be bothered by people. Just then a black haired girl engulfed me in a hug. Jessica.

“Oh my god I’m soo happy you are here!” she squeezed so tight people began looking so I quickly pushed her off.

“Of course I would be here my dad is one of the council members remember?”

“I know but you might not have come I know you don’t like social gatherings let alone with dogs”

“Your right I don’t however I have to I’m part of the council so its not a choice.”

“Oh well maybe we can find a date for you or maybe just some hot lovin” she said with her pedophie face

“NO NO NO! Could you get anymore disgusting Jess. I don’t want anyone let it go!” We laughed for a bit longer then danced for a while. I decided to leave and grab a drink of tango cherry – blood might freak people out don’t you think? Whilst ordering I scanned the room of the unfamiliar faces.

I turned and took my drink but when I went to pay all of a sudden “I’ll get that”. A large hand engulfing some notes was given to the bartender. I just stared. I darted around rapidly shocked that someone would dare get so close and even do something without permission.

Unfortunately I swivelled too quickly and crashed against a hot, hard chest. Ouch. I quickly recomposed myself only to stare into the most hypnotising eyes of green.

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