Chapter 6

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So 8 months later and I’m finally updating this story. I’m sorry I haven’t reposted in a long time but exams are happening and a lot of issues are still making things difficult. I also can’t promise I’m going to be updating regularly however I’ll try. Furthermore this chapter is in Colton’s perspective and its really long to write so some parts are cut but the story is still there and personally I liked the man’s perspective its challenging. Sorry for any mistakes at all tbh i just wanted to finish and post for you guys and also idk if my writing style has changed at all but if it has please tell me so i can work on it ;)


“Dude I’m so bored.”

I removed my head from my hands and raised my eyebrows at Logan who was currently staring up at the ceiling of the hall.

“Why do we need to come anyway? It’s not like we do anything important.”

“Maybe you don’t see it like that however you’re important figure and the family’s complete support of the treaty is needed. Otherwise who’s to stop a blood bath erupting right here right now?”

Logan sighed in defeat and walked away. I can’t say I didn’t sympathise however it’s just our role to play.  I don’t care much for this party either. Full of lying manipulative aristocrats trying to turn the situation into a winning partnership for them, to say pitiful is an understatement.

“Hey alpha you look a little… bored” a soft voice touched my ears.

“Hello Samantha. What can I do for you?” I gave her my best smirk a stepped closer towards her. Sensing my lead she copied so we became an inch or so apart.

“I was wondering if I could help ease your boredom” she chuckled.

Samantha was to put it simply a whore. However she wasn’t desperate or ugly. She was a vixen. Her long black hair curled to her waist framed her curvy figure and statuesque face. She looked at me with a hooded smouldering gaze of hazel. Samantha was quite simply a vixen. One I’ve been having fun with for a while now too.

“What did you have in mind?” My smirk grew and I began to play with a strand of her hair .

“Meet me out the back” she whispered and then disappeared swaying her hips so every guy stared. That’s my sort of woman. No complications and no attachment. I just have the final say and total control.

I decided before I had some fun I’d get a drink first so decided to walk to the bar. That’s when I saw the back of her. Her hair was down and full of soft waves trailing her back which was adorned by a black corset. I’d never seen a woman to rival Samantha’s body until now but her dress hugged her well giving me full view. She smelled of vanilla and something I couldn’t pin point. However, I can’t see her face and she’s taking too long.

“I’ll get that.” I announced ripping my eyes away from her and handing over the notes. She then turned and crashed into my chest. Cold. Ice. It burned my skin. Her scent caught in my nose. Vampire. How did I not know?! Vanilla and burning. Burning of soul. Burning of humanity. That’s a vampire.

Our eyes met. A deep but innocent shade of blue met my green. Long black eyelashes framed her big eyes whilst her small but pink plump lips gently parted as if she was dazed.  Her cheeks began to turn a rosie pink which was surprising for a vampire to have such pale skin to still stain in such a human colour.

I couldn’t stay here long with a vampire however so after snapping her out of her gaze

““You know if you are going to check someone out you could at least have the balls to own up to it”

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