Chapter 4: Birthday Cake

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The day has come, my birthday. After I got home from that mess a couple of days ago, Alex would not stop apologizing. She told me that Ryan could tell I was upset and that she should’ve asked me before going out with Bam. I wasn’t even mad anymore by the time I got to our apartment, so I told her everything was fine. We talked over a cup of tea and she only gave me one hint to my birthday present from Bam: dress nice. My mind is racing with all of the possibilities. It makes it hard to concentrate on doing my makeup.

            “Shit.” I say, poking myself in the eye with my eyeliner pencil for the third time.

            This is what is going to make me go blind. I stop daydreaming and finish lining my eye. They’re as even as I can get. I choose some lipstick the color of red wine, which brings out my eyes. I fluff up my hair and fix a few stray strands before eyeing myself in the mirror. A smile comes to my lips when my confidence rises higher than usual. This is my day to enjoy myself and not give a shit what anyone thinks. Alex bought me a gray dress that hugs my chest and flows out into a chiffon skirt at my waist. It ends just above my knees and matches my movements when I walk. I pair it with bright maroon heels, which almost match my lipstick. When I step out of my room, Alex gasps and does a double take. She’s dolled up too, since she’s going out with Ryan later.

            “You look amazing!” She coos, rushing over to me.

            “Thanks.” I reply with a smile.

            “Good luck, and have a happy birthday.” She tells me, leading me to the front door.

            “Bam is waiting for you in the parking lot.” She adds, opening the door.

            “Have fun.” She calls, slowly closing the door behind me. It’s a bit creepy, actually.

            I take a deep breath and head down to the ground floor of our apartment building. My heels click against the parking lot as I step onto it and look for Bam. I spot him, facing his purple Lamborghini (which makes me feel like a princess), eyeing his phone. His back is to me, giving me the chance to sneak up on him. I take light steps as I approach him. I can see the outline of his shoulders, making me bite my lip. Carefully, I pull his beanie over his eyes from behind.

            “Guess who?” I say.

            He spins around and smiles, his eyes still covered with his beanie. He takes me in his arms and picks me up, kissing me lovingly. I slide his beanie further up his forehead so he can see and hug his neck.  He sets me back on the ground gently and grins at me.

            “Happy Birthday, Ellie. You look amazing.” He tells me, my name rolling off his tongue with ease and my face blushing. I’ve always loved how he says my name.

            “Ready to get your birthday present?” He asks.

            “Hell, yeah.” I reply, making his eyes glimmer and his smile widen.

            He takes my hand and directs me to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door for me, let’s me sit down, and closes the door behind me. I watch as he walks around to the driver’s side, admiring how gorgeous my boyfriend is. He’s wearing a beanie, which I love, and his eyes look extra blue today. He hops into the driver’s seat and starts the car. The engine roars and we head down the road to I-have-no-idea-where.

            “What are we doing first?” I ask, squeezing my knees.

            “Well, right now, I’m taking you to that shopping centre you’ve always wanted to go to in Philly.” He replies. I gasp, suddenly very excited.

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