Chapter 6

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Now time to meet her...
As I wait in the warehouse, I watch as their car pulls up. They get out and walk straight towards the warehouse without looking towards the road.
They weren't followed.
I kneel down on the cat walk and watch as they walk in.
"Anna, I don't have a good feeling about this" Hiccup says, walking beside her.
"It's fine Hic, whoever it is won't hurt us" Anna says, stepping forwards.
"Where is this person?" Jack asks, looking around.
"They told us to be here by 12, it's only 11:56, give the person some time" Anna says, looking around.
We are here Anna texted me.
I stood up and jumped down from the catwalk, landing in front of them.
They all jumped back and screamed lightly.
I stood up straight and inspected them, seeing no outline of anything.
I clicked the button on my voice changer.
"You came... With your friends" I eyed Jack and he did the same "I called you here to give you a message from your sister. I saved her from the hands of the man who keeps coming to your school. She was hurt badly during the process and is now under the care of doctors. Before you ask, I don't know where they took her. I handed her over to some paramedics and left." I said, putting my hands behind me.
"You left my sister!" She tried running towards me but Kristof caught her "YOU COWARD!" She screamed.
"I didn't have to help your sister, but I did. She gave me this note to give you" I made sure to pick it up with my gloved hand and threw it to the ground in front of her "I didn't have to go through all this trouble, you know? I have more important things to deal with than this" I growled and turned my back to them.
"Is she alright?" Jack asked, worry and sadness dripping from his voice.
I stayed silent for a moment, thinking of what to say "She's being taken care of"
"Jack, stop!" Flynn said as I heard stomping behind me. I bent down as I turned around and whipped my leg out, knocking him to the ground.
"This is a great way of thanking me" I hissed and stepped back, watching him stand up.
I looked at Anna as she finished reading my letter. Her hand covered her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks, I looked away and at Kristof who is comforting her.
"I have a request" I said, walking towards them "Don't tell anyone about this meeting and watch your backs. The person who is attacking your school is very dangerous. Don't stop going to school, carry on with your daily things and don't look to scared or panicked. It will seem obvious that you know who he is" I looked at Merida.
"You" I said, pointing at her "Come here"
She slowly walked towards me as Hiccup held her hand.
"Come on lovebirds, we don't have all night" I said and snapped my fingers.
When she got close enough, I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer.
"I need you to keep them all here, as in safe and in this town until further notice. I need time to find whoever is doing all of this" I said and backed away.
"I will try my best" She said, walking back to Hiccup.
I turned to Jack and nearly got hit in the head with a board. I stopped it and threw it to the ground.
"You are getting on my nerves" I growl, keeping still.
I watched as he walked back to his group.
"Don't try to follow me or you'll regret it" I said and walked out of the warehouse, only to find Jacks father alone and waiting for me. He had his gun pointing towards me, aiming directly at my shoulder.
I kept still, watching his every move.
"Dad! What are you doing here!?" Jack asked from behind me. I took the chance and pulled a dagger out, throwing it at him. I knocked the gun out of his hand and didn't hurt him in the process.
"I'm not going to hurt anyone, Mr. Overland" I said, walking towards him.
"Then why don't you take off that hood?" He asked, and pointed a shaky hand at me.
"That wouldn't be a good idea" I said, stopping 5 feet from him.
"And why is that?" He asked, reaching for his other gun.
I reached for my bow "I can fire this thing pretty quick" I threatened "Someone is trying to kill me and others" I put my hand down as his hand went down.
"Then why didn't you come to the police?"
I stayed silent for a moment.
"You wouldn't have believed me" I said and walked towards my bike.
"Now, unless you have that warrant, I'm leaving and you can't stop me" I said and revved my bike. I drove away, watching Jack run to his father in my mirror.
I walked into my house and locked the door behind me.
I can't even feel safe in my own home...
As I walked to my couch I looked at my bow.
Takedown Recurve Bow. Last of its kind.
Knock Knock Knock
I walked towards the door cautiously. I opened it and found one person I didn't want to see...
"Not now Mr. Overland, since you bugged my place I've gotta find where you hid all of it" I said and tried to shut the door, but he kept it open and held up a piece of paper.
"I have that warrant now" He walked in and made himself at home.
I groaned and shut the door.
"Why are you here?" I asked, stepping towards him.
He walked along my living room, picking up small cameras and mics, then went through my house and picked them away.
"You've already disabled them, so they are of no use" He said and threw them out the window. I eyed him suspiciously.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked backing towards my table.
He walked towards me and I saw the fear in his eyes as he did.
"I need your help, please. My little girl was taken by the man you've been stopping. I beg of you to try and find her" He pleaded, holding his hands together.
I turned away from him and walked towards my living room.
Can I do this?
"Will you keep the police from hunting me or going through my house. And to just let me have my privacy" I said, looking at him.
"Whatever you need, I will give. Just find my little girl"
I stayed silent for a moment.
"I will try my best, but do not speak of this. Not even to your family. I don't need people following me and getting hurt" I said, walking towards him.
I put my hand on his shoulder "I will find your little girl"
Before he left, he gave me a picture of his daughter with her name on the back. I put it on the counter and locked the door.
I pulled off my hood and mask, feeling my cheek for my cut... But felt nothing.
I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, seeing nothing.
What happened to me?
"Y-Your suppose to be dead!" His voice echoed in my head.
The tone of his voice was... fearful.
The radio in my living room turned on, signalling the police scanner.
"A-A man is in my office. He's taken everyone hostage... H-He's asking for E-Elizabeth G-G-Goodman- NO!" The line went out and the police scanner went crazy.
I pulled my hood back on and my mask up. I ran out of my bathroom and towards the front door, grabbing my bow and quiver. I quickly picked up the picture of the little girl and ran out the door.
I crank my bike and drive out of my driveway and onto the road.
"Clear out as many civilians as possible, we need that building locked down"
I sped down the road as I caught up with cop cars. I raced between them as I drove towards the building. I kept close to the cop cars as I raced past them, avoiding any direct contact with people.
I came to a screeching stop by the building. As I got off my bike, I saw Mr. Overland. I held up my hand, signalling him not to come.
He nods and I run in, hearing him calling to his team members.
I run towards the stairs and open the door, running up as fast as I could.
Once I got to the right floor, I barge through the door and see him locked inside a bulletproof glass room. He has 5 hostages inside with him.
"Where is Elizabeth Goodman?" He asks through the intercom.
I stay silent as I walk towards him. I need to get in there... but how.
"I SAID WHERE IS ELIZABETH GOODMAN!?" He screams and pulls a woman in front of him, he rips her jacket open and reveals a bomb that has a timer set at 5 minutes. He starts it and pushes her to the ground.
"NO!" I scream, running towards the glass. I watch in horror as he starts the timer on everyone "I don't know! Just stop!" I hit the glass with my bow, causing no damage "They don't deserve this!"
"THEN TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He yells, coming closer to the glass.
What am I going to do?

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