Chapter 20

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Who am I?
I've been asking the same question for 3 months now. After North told me I'm "the prophet", I've shut them all out. I've stayed in the room they let me use, I've also discovered all of the powers he told me about. I haven't found my 5th one yet though, but I'm beginning to believe what north said. Maybe I am the prophet, maybe I'm the one who will save the world. But that's a maybe, not an "I am". I've hidden the fact that I have these powers, I don't want them to know, I don't want to make it official.
I'm sitting on my bed, playing with my powers, combining fire and wind to make a small fire tornado in my hand, swirling it around. I made it disappear by closing my hand, and reopened it, creating a ball of water in my hand. Suddenly, the ball of water froze and turned into a snowflake.
"What?" I asked, opening my other hand and creating another ball of water. It also froze and turned into a snowflake.
I gasped and closed both of my hands "Is my 5th power ice?"
As I asked that, a snowflake landed on my nose. I looked up to find snow falling from the ceiling.
"Ice and snow?" I asked, standing up from my bed. I tried to make it stop, but failed.
And what better time for someone to knock on my door.
"Elsa? We need you downstairs" Bunny said "Its important"
I began to panic "U-Uh okay! I-I'll be down there in a second!"
Not suspicious at all.
Oh be quiet, you would be scared right now also!
"What's going on in there?"
I tried waving my hand around to make it disappear, but only made the snow swirl around me "Nothing! Just trying to get a pesky bird out of here!" I yelled over the wind.
-sigh- There are no birds out here.
Be quiet!
I began to get annoyed with it "Just stop!" I yelled, instantly making the wind and snow disappear.
The door opened and Bunny walked in, along with north.
I looked around to see everything on the ground and my hair all in my face.
"Heh, hi there" I said, pushing the hair out of my face.
"What happened in here!?" North asked, visibly getting angry.
I started silent for a few seconds "I uh... I... There was something in here and I knocked everything down by mistake" I looked down "I'm sorry"
"North, it was an accident. Let it go and let's get back to Manny" Bunny said and patted him on the shoulder.
North left as bunny walked up to me "What really happened?"
I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders. He sighed and stepped aside, letting me go first. I kept my head down as I walked out.
-Globe Room-
Bunny walked beside me as we entered the globe room, Manny was standing beside north as they talked about something.
"Bunny, what's this about?" I asked, getting closer to him.
"I honestly don't know" He whispered, looking confused.
All eyes turned on me as we stopped in front of them.
"Elsa Knight, you have violated many rules" Manny said, stepping towards me "You have hidden yourself away, kept secrets, didn't attend guardian training, you have lied to me, you have lied to them, and I've given you enough time to fix it"
"You've got to understand that you can't just say that I'm some special person, that I have to save the world by myself, that I don't have a choice in this, and expect me to smile and say I'm on it!" I said, stepping towards him "I'm only one person! I have limits!" I felt my eyes change colour "And I expect for you all to understand that! I'm not the almighty saviour you've been waiting on, I'm a normal person!" I was standing in front of him now.
"Elsa!" Bunny exclaimed.
I spun around "What?" I growled.
"Your eyes" He said, pointing at me.
I blinked and felt them change back. I turned around to face Manny and saw him with a hurt and shocked expression. I backed away from him and turned back around, running out of the room.
You were just using a portion of my powers, how?
"Elsa!" I ignored them and ran into my room, shutting and locking the door.
You just had purple eyes, which means if you get angry, you use my powers. Dark powers, not yours. Strange...
How is that possible?
I began to pace around my room as I rubbed the sides of my head, developing a headache.
I don't know!
You don't have to yell.
I groaned as I heard someone knocking on my door.
"Go away!" I said, glancing at the door.
I sighed and looked towards the balcony, thinking of a very crazy plan.
"Mate, ya can't hide in there forever" Bunny said as I walked towards the balcony.
"Your right, I can't" I said and threw a fire ball at the door, instantly catching fire "But I can Leave" I said, opening the balcony doors, getting pushed back by a gust of wind. I gathered myself and walked onto the balcony, looking down.
"Elsa! What are you doing!?" Someone yells from behind the door.
I didn't answer, I just stepped onto the railing.
Your gonna kill us!
So, I can control the wind, which means I can fly.
"Wind! Take me away from here!" I said as I am picked up and thrown into the air.
I screamed and smiled, feeling my hair whip around behind me.
"I told you!" I laughed, flying above the clouds. I held my arms out as I flew along the cloud tops, casting a shadow onto the clouds.
Wait, stop. Someone is around, whoever it is isn't nice.
I looked around as I kept going, seeing something black poking out of the clouds behind me.
Elsa, as much as I hate you, we've got to get out of here. That's a dragon!
"A what!?" I gasped, beginning to panic "Wind, to the workshop roof!" I yelled, stopping and turning around. Whatever it was stopped and turned around also.
Suddenly, I'm going way faster than before. Within a minute, I'm on the workshop roof. I looked up and saw a huge black Dragon flying towards me, and by instinct, I quickly make a bow and arrow. I pulled the arrow back and let it go, hitting it right in the chest right as it got close to me. Before it could hurt me it turned into black sand and disappeared around me.
I gasped and dropped the bow, looking at my hands.
"How did I do that!?" I asked as I backed away from the bow.
"Elsa!" I spun around to see Bunny running towards me, followed by north and Manny.
"No, no! S-Stay away from me!" I say as I raise my hand up at them and back away.
"What's wrong?" North asks, stopping with them.
"I don't know, I just made a flipping bow and arrow! I killed a dragon with it!" I exclaimed, looking behind me to see the bow has disappeared.
Manny looked a little concerned and confused "How has he healed up this quick?" He mumbles to himself as he runs his hand down his beard.
"Pitch just chased me!?" I asked, running my hands through my hair "H-He's after me again!?" I looked up at Manny as he walked towards me.
"He won't touch you, young one. I'll make sure of it" He says as he stops in front of me.
I let my hands fall beside me as I furrowed my brows "His daughter is inside my head and you expect me to believe that!? He wants her back Manny" I whimper.
He shushes me and pulls me in for a hug "As I said, I promise He won't take you"
I wrapped my arms around him as tears began falling down my cheeks "I don't want to be forced with him Manny, I-I can't do it"
9 Months later...
"Bunny!" I screamed, running towards him as he layed sprawled across the floor.
"Elsa! NO!" North yelled as he tried to catch me.
The workshop was under attack by Pitchs minions, and Pitch himself. I slid down beside bunny as I tried to help him up.
"Bunny, wake up!" I cry out as I shake him. I look to my left to see a big soldier running towards me, I quickly make a fireball and burn him to dust.
Elsa! He's coming!
"Where is he?" I asked as I looked around, only seeing soldiers made of dark sand.
Behind you!
Before I can turn around, I am thrown across the room and hit the wall, falling onto a table.
I slowly raised my hand up to my head, feeling a stinging pain.
"Miss. Reid, long time no see" I looked up to see him step over bunny as he was walking towards me.
Get up!
I slowly pick myself up and stumble off of the table, falling to my knees.
"You were weak then, and you're weak now" He said as I stood up, creating an ice Katana in my right hand.
"Elsa!" I look behind me and see tooth flying towards me, but got tackled by a soldier.
"You see, Clohie, if you were to come with me all of this will stop" He said, raising his arms and looking around.
"I won't go with you" I say as I raise my Katana and take a stance.
He laughed and looked around again "You? Come on, try your best"
I gasped as I felt something prick my neck. I feel around and pull out an empty syringe looking thing.
That is something he uses to knock people out, get to one of the guardian's, Elsa. Now!
My vision begins to blur as my eyelids get heavy. The room begins to spin as I fall to the ground, watching as everything turns black.
I look around as I try to find the voice.
Elsa, wake up
I spun around, seeing a girl in a black dress, black wavy hair, pale white skin, purple eyes, and walking towards me.
"Hylia?" I ask, trying to walk towards her But failed.
No, you must wake up. Pitch is trying to separate us.
He knows I'm still in your head, he wants me back.
She snaps her finger and I open my eyes, being greeted by an orange-reddish and white wall.
I push myself up with my hands and look around, seeing a bed in the far left corner and a toilet in the far right.
The door clicks open and a little girl steps in. She looks exactly like Hylia, only she has yellow eyes.
"Hi" She says and walks up to me "My name is Pitch" She extended her arm out to me.
I grin and shake her hand, watching her smile widely.
"My father says you will be staying with us for a while" She looks around as she said that.
"Unfortunately, but you should go, I don't think your father would like you being here" I said and she frowned, but nodded and walked out the door.
He has already replaced me?
"I-I don't know" I whispered, watching her leave.
-1 Month Later-
I was thrown into my cell by two guards. I scooted to the corner and looked down at my stomach, seeing cuts and burns. I can't imagine how it looks on my back.
Elsa, I feel weak
"M-Me too" I whimpered, hissing at the sudden contact of a cut.
What do we do? We can't take this kind of torment daily... It's dangerous.
"We will have to take it until someone finds us or we try to escape" I whispered, rubbing my wrists.
Hi guys, long time no see.... Or talk? Anyways, I left this account long ago. And I've since made a new one, it's named LoveisDelirious.  So if you really like what I make (and to see better works) go check that out. I currently only have one in the making because I just got back and I feel like I've grown out of this kind of writing.
I love you guys and thanks for still being here even though I *accidentally* abandoned you 😭😭 I may complete this one, I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️

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