Poem Thirty-Five ♬ - I Promise

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Jan. 28, 2016

I promise you this,
My love.

I will stop being so afraid,
So afraid and hesitant.

You don't deserve that,
You deserve much better.

I can do better,
And I will strive for it.

If I did not love you as I do now,
I would love you like a sibling.

You would be related to me
In all but blood.

I will do better,
For you have only a few months
Before you must move to the next stage of life,
As we all do. As I will follow in one year.

Thank you for tolerating,
The insanity I bring, I hope it brings highlights to your life.

I trust you with my heart,
For I believe you won't break it,
Shatter it like glass.

To you I left it, those six years ago.
I hope with you it will stay for eternity.

Though I would go red if you read this,
I write it all the same.

Thank you for you,
My lover and my friend.

I regret not one thing,
And this is something
I Promise.

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