Chapter 12

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Thanks everyone for the 115 reads.. Love all of you! Of course in a friendly way...😂😂..

Leona's Pov...

I was watching tv all alone and I felt I tried to get out of the bed but my leg stung so I sat back on the bed and pressed the button next to the bed...

And the lady from before came..

"How can I help you dear?" She asked sweetly..

"I'm hungry and I tried walking to get food but my leg stings.." I explained to her..

" right back.." she said as she walked out of the door...

After a few minutes she came in with a tray of food..and it looks yummy although I don't usually like hospital food..

"Thanks.." I said smiling warmly at her..

"No problem dear..." she said..

"Um..I didn't get your name.." I told her..

" name is Susan.." she said as she walked out of the door again..

So I ate the food on the tray..(A/N: I didn't know what type of food they serve in hospital I forgot.. so please comment some hospital food and I'll edit it with some food name's.. )

After eating I pushed the tray to the side and continued to watch the was The Jimmy Fallon Show and Lily Singh was on it..I am a big fan of hers...IIsuperwomanII...

As it finished there was a knock on the door..

"Come in.." I said..

And the door opened..

"Leona!" I heard a guy said....

"Are you okay? Is there any bad injuries? " he asked..

"Yeah..I'm fine..but may I know who are you?" I asked..

He stood there shocked..

"I-i.. am y-your-r f-father-r " he shuttered...

Sorry for the short chapter I'll make sure the next one is more longer..😁

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