Chapter Four

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Chapter 4: Hello Egypt/Goodbye Home

            When I got home I went straight to my room and laid on my bed, my stomach was queasy. I grabbed my music player and put it on high. No noise or anything to hurt me, but then when I took one earphone out I heard quietly on my player “Heart Stone” repeatedly. I turned it off and put it away, but what I couldn’t believe was my favorite teacher Mrs. Fay was the bad guy or girl. Just then I heard a bang on my door.

            “Brandon, it’s time for supper,” It was Taylor, I was about to leave my family for seven years and be with my so-called best friend. Hey, it was either that or death, and I chose leaving. “Come on!”

            I walked down the stairs with Taylor and met my mom and dad at the kitchen table. “So Mom,” I started.

            “What is it Brandon.”

            I explained to her what was going on and both my mom and dad stood there nodding their heads. “He can’t go away,” Taylor started, “Halloween’s tomorrow.”

            “I’m afraid he has to,” My mom said encouraging me. “Brandon, I see what you must do, just be sure that you keep in touch so I know you’re okay.”

            I answered alright and we ate dinner silently. We finished when it was eight o’ clock, just when Cleopatra wanted to meet me so I gave my family tons of hugs and met Cleopatra in a car that looked old fashioned.

            “Bye,” my family yelled, and I said goodbye back.

            “I bet it’s hard,” Cleopatra muttered.

            “What’s hard?”

            “You know, leaving your family like this, it must’ve been hard.”

            “It was,” I tried to look up to the driver but the black screen was up and there was no visible person in the front row. I turned my eyes back on to Cleopatra who looked different. Her ‘I Love Hippos’ T-shirt and jeans had changed into a pretty pale blue and white gown, and her curly hair and red sox ball cap had turned into straight silky black long hair that had a headdress on top. She was Cleopatra in her true form. “Do you think I will make any, you know.”

            “Friends? Well, there is a young girl and boy about your age that can help you through your journey.”

            “Wait, you’re not coming with me?”

            “I’m afraid not, you will be bringing two people with you, their names are Miranda and Logan, both of them had been studying ancient Egypt and is ready for this trip, you will be going all around Egypt to stop Mrs. Fay.” Just then she snapped and the car stopped, I realized we should have been in California by now, but when Cleopatra opened the door, we were in Egypt.

            I stepped out of the car and four or five kids were practicing fighting. Just then I saw a girl with brown hair and a blue bandana in her hair. She had been fighting a man and when she’d lifted the sword it looked like mine, it was red only. “That is Miranda,” Cleopatra said, “She has the Ruby Sword. Him over there,” she pointed to a boy fighting to the left of Miranda with a green glowing sword, “That is Logan, he has the Emerald Sword. Everyone in Egypt has a different type of sword comprehending with a gem.”

            Just then Miranda walked over to me and flung her hair, “Hi, I’m Miranda and you must be Brandon.”

            “Uh, uh, yeah.” I said dumbfounded. She was pretty and I have a feeling I was going to like spending these seven years with her.

            “Just be careful, Logan can be a pretty big cranky pant and don’t get in his way.”

            “Sure,” I said.

            Just then Logan started walking over to us, then I started to introduce myself, “Hey, I’m Brandon.”

            “That’s cool,” He turned to Cleopatra and asked, “This is who I have to work with?”

            “Miranda is the best swordsmen and Brandon is the Smartest, just trust me.”

            He shrugged and turned back to us, “Just don’t screw anything up.” He walked away and Miranda and I started talking.

            “So you live in Nevada and are moving to Egypt?”

            “Right,” I said, “We might as well get to know each other now, and we’re going to be spending seven years together.”

            “Now it seems it’s eight, so we’re going to be spending a good amount of our lives together.”

            Might as well make it last while, I thought dreamily, I really like Miranda and I only knew her for like one hour. Just when we both walked back to the main square, Miranda, Logan, and I all stood by each other with our swords in our hands.

            “These young Egyptians will make their way over Egypt to stop Fay, Fight monsters, and save the Heart Stone.” Cleopatra announced.

            Everyone started cheering when Miranda turned to me, “Be careful, the Sphinx is the toughest monster alive.

            “No I heard that the mummies were tough to kill, get on the page miss Miranda,” Logan said rudely.

            “Well, all of you had better watch out for Sphinxes, Mummies, and Dragons.” Cleopatra said, butting in.

            “Right,” I said reassuring to myself that I still wanted to do this.

            “The group now will introduce themselves and their weapons.”

            Logan stepped forward, “My name is Logan Mylar and I will be taking the Emerald Sword.”

            Then went Miranda, “I’m Miranda Luke and my weapon is the Ruby Sword.”

            I was next! I stepped forward and took a deep breath, “Hi my name is Brandon and I am taking the Rhinestone Sword.”

            When I stepped back Miranda and Logan surrounded me with their mouths dropped. “Where did you get that sword?” Miranda asked.

            “Cleopatra gave it to me, why?”

            “WHY?! That sword is the most powerful weapon in all of Egypt, I thought it was gone!” Logan said in amazement.

            “Well, I guess I should-” I was cut off by Cleopatra.

            “Use it well.”

            We said our goodbyes, again, and we headed north of the great pyramids in Egypt. No more family, Kylie, or Cleopatra. Miranda, Logan, and I were on our own, alone in Egypt.

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