Chapter Six

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Chapter 6: Osiris Battles

            “We need to stop for a drink,” Osiris said with a heavy breathing tone.

            We walked up a dirt path into a small winery which had vines growing all over it. We walked in and a lady with blonde hair and a blue and gray dress washing off her counter. “Hi, welcome to the Wine Bottle, my name’s Geshtinana, we don’t get very many customers here in Egypt.”

            “Hi my name is Miranda; this is Logan, Brandon, and Osiris. Wait, aren’t you The Lady of the Vine? The Wine Goddess?”

            “Well, young lady, you sure do know you ancient Egypt.”

            “You’re the one who makes wine out of a toilet?” I asked.

            “When you have nothing left, you use what you still have!” She said while wind blew in all of our faces. “Back then, kids, including you, could drink wine, so drink up!” She threw four golden glasses of wine to us and we drank, it usually would have been so gross, I would spit it out, but it was all I would have for a long time.

            We said our thank you’s and left the Wine Bottle. “Well, that was disgusting, I had met Geshtinana before but never thought she was that mean.”

            We walked on for two hours straight, at least in the dry air it seemed that way, it could’ve been five hours for all I know. We walked, and walked, and walked, and walked until we couldn’t walk any further.

            A huge building was in front of us, it seemed like the Roman Coliseum, but we were in Egypt.

            We had no other way to go, so we stepped inside. Inside were a huge circular stage, purple walls, and green lights. “Modern Day Egypt.” Miranda had said.

            “What?” I asked.

            “This place, it is modern day Egypt. There is no way they had green strobe lights.”

            When we walked a little further in, the lights turned off except for one. The one strobe light showed a bright pink gem, it was in the shape of a heart. “The heart stone.” Logan said.

            “It’s too easy, something is here guarding, watching our every move.” Miranda said.

            “Let’s test it,” I said while walking up to the gem.

            “Brandon, No!” They all said. Just then, a cage fell on me and a big bird swooped down from the stand.

            “Foolish child, your friends were right.”

            “What is that?” I asked.

            “Albatrosses,” Osiris said, “The biggest bird in Egypt.”

            “What a smart Osiris,” the bird said, “You really believe that that is the real heart stone? Why it’s not even the right color.”

            “I should’ve known,” Miranda said full of guilt, “The heart stone is a reddish-green, where has there ever been a pink heart stone? It’s my entire fault.”

            “No, Miranda,” Osiris said, “We all make mistakes, I will battle him and beat this birdie.”

            Osiris walked up to the birdie with his gold sword, must have been Topaz Sword. He and the bird battled it out. He stabbed the bird once or twice, not hurting the bird when the bird swung his tail and knocked Osiris back to the door of the coliseum. He got back up wobbling around. The bird had full strength grinning at Osiris. Osiris’ sword was slid under the bird’s tail. He ran for the sword and grabbed it without the bird killing him. He ran up like a hero and stabbed the bird right in the head. The bird was now unconscious. Osiris ran back and threw his sword had the birds heart hitting him directly. The sword made a golden explosion and we all were flown back. The bird was dead. The bird was dropped down to the ground just as Osiris grabbed his sword from his heart.

            “Now that that’s over with, let’s get going.” Miranda announced.

            “Now, if this is the only way to get to the heart stone, who put the Albatrosses in there?” Logan asked suspiciously.

            “Who knows, let’s get out of here, this place gives me the creeps.” I said. We all ran out of the coliseum and ran straight down the road. Watching Osiris fight the Albatrosses was hard. He could’ve died any moment. He might look like a thirteen year old but he had the heart of an eighty three year old.

            “We made it alive,” He said with glee.

            “I told you it was going to get scarier. Just you wait.” Logan said with a smile. Almost like a dark smile.

            “At least we all made it alive!” Miranda said happily.

            “Now we can be on our way.” Osiris said.

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