*The end of the school day*
I walk out of school, turning on my music. I begin listening to 'Ghost' by Halsey. I love Halsey.
As I'm walking out to my car, I see a figure sitting on the place where the sidewalk and the grass meet. Her head is down in between her legs and her whole body is shaking. Should I go check on her? It looks personal. She's really close to my car though. When I finally get to my car I decide to go over to make sure she's okay.
I'm trying to get what I'm going to say in my head so I don't sound like an idiot. But, is that? No. No way. Oh my god. Why is Olivia crying? I can't be right. Right?
I'm right. Drawing closer, I see her hair pulled back in a falling out pony tail and her letterman jacket. Her phone is sat beside her, silent, which is strange for her. She's always talking to someone.
I'm standing beside her now, trying to get the courage to say something. Finally I get the words to come out of my mouth.
"Olivia, are you okay?" I ask softly, not wanting to startle her. Her head snaps up and turns to look at me. Her face is stained with tears, her eyes wide, lips quivering. She quickly wipes her cheeks with her sleeve before she replies.
"Oh hey Addilyn. I'm fine." She says, playing with her fingers, sniffling. I give her my best bitch face, saying everything that it needs to.
"Oh really? Well you're sitting outside of school, still here on a Friday, crying, and you're saying you're fine?" I ask in the most sarcastic voice ever, raising my eyebrow.
I walk over and sit next to her. Her head hangs low, not saying anything. As I reach over to pat her back, she falls into me, wraps her arms around my body, and cries into my chest.
I blush and slowly wrap my arms around her, completely confused and not giving a fuck because I'm hugging Olivia Johnson. Jesus Christ. My day's been made.
We sit there for a few minutes before she carefully untravelled herself from me.
"Sorry about that. Today just hasn't been really great. No actually, it's completely sucked." Olivia says, scratching her neck.
"It's okay. So what happened?" I ask, brushing a strand of hair from her face. Why the fuck did you do that? I can't with myself right now.
To my surprise, she doesn't give me a look that says, 'What the fuck did you just do and why?' She just shyly smiles at me, which makes me feel all weird. Weird in a good way.
"Well you know my boyfriend, Kyle? Well he broke up with me." She said. "I know it's not really that big of a deal but I thought he was different from the other guys I've dated. I really liked him."
I don't really know how to respond other than that I was sorry.
"Yeah well," She said, not really knowing how to respond.
"Why did he break up with you? Y'all seemed really good this morning." I asked curiously.
"I wouldn't put out," She said, "Like, well excuse me for not wanting to do anything and wanting to save myself for someone special." Olivia looked downcast. I mean, I couldn't blame her. Not knowing what to say, I asked a different question.
"So why are you still here? This place must hold some memories." I say, tilting my head. She looked embarrassed and hid her face.
"He was my ride to school. Everyone else is gone and I don't have the strength to start walking yet." She answers with, watching the cars pass by.
"I could give you a ride home. If you want." I offer, really hoping she'll accept it. I like spending time with her like this. Her eyes light up.
"Really? That would be awesome, thank you so much." She says, looking a little bit happier.
"You're welcome. It's no trouble at all. Come on." I say, taking her hand. It's soft, warm. I can feel her two silver rings as I pull her along with me to my car. Holing the door open, I motion for her to get inside. When she does, I go to my side, get in, and start the car.
As we drive away, I can't help but feel really happy that I asked Olivia what was wrong. She still looked a little sad. Then I got an idea.
"Wanna see the coolest place ever?" I ask, begging god that she will say yes. She looks at me with confusion at first but that is soon replaced with a small little smile.
"Sure. Where are we going?" She asks, resting her arm on the arm rest by her door. I smile at her then turn back to the road.
"It's a surprise." I say, hoping what I show her will make her a little happier. She just shrugs and turns up the music that's playing in the background of my car. "Heroes" by David Bowie. As she nods along to the beat, I look at her from the corner of my eye. She looks stunning as she sways to the music and takes out her pony tail.
This is gonna be fun.

Flannel Shirts and Tangled Hair
Подростковая литератураAddilyn is struggling. Struggling with geometry, constantly breaking headphones, worn out sharpies, and most of all, her unending infatuation for Olivia Johnson. After a night of drinks, bad poetry, full Polaroids, long sleeve shirts, and neck kisse...