I'm In Too Deep

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      As "Heroes" ends, "She Likes Girls" by Metro Station started. I lightly sing along under my breath, kinda hoping that she wouldn't hear me. That is, until I hear her singing along with me. I look towards her, smiling, as we start to sing louder and louder. The next thing we know, we're belting it out. When the song ends, we lock eyes and burst out laughing. I like how this feels. Laughing with her.

I blew a strand of hair out of my face and fixed my glasses. I really hope she likes the place I'm bringing her to. Or that would be unacceptable.

I slowly exhale as we drive up the inclining road. Just a few more minutes.

"So," I said, hoping to pass the time. "How's basketball?" Oh my god, that of all things? Really Addilyn? Really?

"It's good I guess." Olivia said, looking a little confused. Great. Just fucking great.

"We're here." I say. Finally. Jesus, the awkwardness was too much.

I brought her to this little hill by our town. I don't think it has a name but I come here to think a lot. About personal things.

"We're gonna have go the rest of the way on foot. It doesn't take long, don't worry." I said as I climbed out of the car and opened the door for her.

"That's okay. Thanks." Olivia said as I helped her out of the car. Our hands stay locked for a second too long, as if we both want to linger just a second longer. When I realized our hands were still together, I dropped mine with an apology, my face feeling hot. She just shyly smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

I clear my throat and start to lead the way on the little path. The trees were huge so little rays of sunlight showed through their enormous  leaves. The sun shown on the path, highlighting the way. Bunches of wild flowers covered the sides of the path, all colors. It was very beautiful. Not as beautiful as Olivia though.

We walked side by side along the path, not exchanging any sort of conversation. It was comforting though. Nice and calming.

"So how did you find this place?" She asked, breaking the silence. She turned toward me, her beautiful hazel eyes dazzling, capturing the sun in them. I thought for a second trying to get the words right in my head.

"My dad used to bring me here." I said, deciding that wouldn't really give anything away. I didn't want her to know.

Olivia nodded, as if she understood what that meant. As if she understood me. It was nice.

Soon enough, we got to the clearing that overlooked this beautiful meadow. A small grove of trees surrounded it. From then on, you could just see the outline of our town a fair distance away. It was my favorite place in the whole world.

"Wow," Olivia said, in wonder. "This place is amazing." She moved towards the cliff and looked out across the place. Slowly, she sat down, letting her long, elegant legs dangle over the side. I smiled and sat down beside her.

"You should see it at night. It's like you can see all of the stars at once. It's almost magical." I said, letting out a sigh, eyes closed, remembering. Then an idea popped into my head. It's like I'm full of those tonight. Weird.

"What about we spend the night out here. We can go back to my place and get the things we need and yeah. It'll be fun." I said excitedly. Then realization came to me. "That is, if you don't have any plans or anything." I finished, waiting for rejection. I kept my eyes on the meadow below, not really wanting to see her face, and the look of disgust on it. That's not what I got.

"That would be amazing! Let's do it." Olivia said, smiling at me, tugging my arm. I blinked in surprise.

"Really? You want to?" I asked as if she just agreed to marry me.

"It would be so much fun! Cmon, let's go get stuff." She said hurriedly. She pulled up by my sleeve and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy we're doing this. Thank you for doing this for me." Olivia said. I just nodded against her neck, feeling completely happy for the first time in a long time.

As she pulled away, she kissed me on the cheek. My faced filled with warmth and my eyes went wide. Olivia just gave a small smile and pulled me back through the trees and back to my car. All the while I couldn't think. I could barely breath. Why did she do that?

I'm in too deep.

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