↣ Taylor Caniff Pt.2 (cheating) ↢

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This part one was from awhile ago :)

Summary: Y/n texted Taylor and some random girl texted her back saying she was Taylor's girlfriend :)


You : Give it a rest Taylor! Stop trying to cover up your lies.

Taylor : I'm not. Please take me back!

You : Should have thought about it before I became a side bitch.

Taylor : What? You were always my main !

You : so you're admitting to cheating!

Taylor : Oh my gosh. :/

You : You basically just said it!

Taylor : OKAY FINE. It was a one night stand...

You ; WHAT THE FUCK. When was this!?!?

Taylor : Few weeks ago, we saw each other at the mall when I went to go order something. She must've grabbed my phone.

You : Are you lying.?

Taylor : No. I swear to god.

You : I don't know.

Taylor : Take me back...

You : I can't...

Taylor : Why?

You : because you cheated on me in the first place with a one night stand. I can't take you back.

Taylor : So, we're broken up. :/

You : Yep... 

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