1 // Neighbour

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I walked through the gates of the village, my bag slung on my shoulder, weighing me down. Four years since I had been here. I had been away training and I had passed the Chunin exam since then. I walked down the road towards the Hokage's office, passing familiar faces, most of whom didn't seem to recognize me at first glance but would quickly realize who I was and stop me to ask how everything had been with my training over the last few years.

I looked up at the building where the Hokage's office was. After this I would be able to go back to my old apartment and relax. I climbed up the steps and knocked on the door. I heard the Third's voice beckoning me to come in.

"Mariko! You've grown so much since I last saw you. How was your training?" he inquired.

"It went well, I really feel like I've improved my skills quite a bit," I answer, using posh and polite diction.

"Well, your first mission isn't going to be for another few days, you just got back after all. You need some time to rest," continued the Hokage. I nodded and was swiftly dismissed.

As soon as I was out on the street, I started speed-walking towards my apartment. Just one more block, I thought as I turned the corner and found myself standing in front of the building. I opened the door and climbed up to the second, and top, floor, trudging along the last few meters of hallway before reaching my apartment door on the end. I fiddled with the keys and eventually got the door open. As soon as the door closed I drop my bag with a huge thud.

"I'm home!" I exclaim to no one in particular, unless the neighbours can hear me through the thin walls. Across the living room, I spot my baritone ukulele still on the sofa where I left it in a hurry. I stand up and walk over to it, strumming it. It makes a horrible noise. Definitely needs tuning after four years. And my playing will definitely be rusty, but I still remember some simple tunes.

I remember when I used to sit on the balcony and play. I share the balcony with my next door neighbour, but he's almost always out. My side of the balcony has plants and an old chair. Speaking of those plants...

I head to my room and open the backdoor to the balcony, expecting to see dead plants. To my surprise, not only are they prospering but there are more than when I left and they stretch out towards the other side of the balcony too. Guess my neighbour found a new hobby. I sit on my usual chair and start strumming a song.

I would've continued if I hadn't been startled by my neighbour who opened the other door on the balcony, frightening me.

"Oh, you're back," he says. I've never really seen him. His silver hair is spikey and slightly droops to one side of his face, held up by his forehead protector that covers his left eye. He wears a mask that covers the bottom half of his face. His uncovered eye is a piercing dark colour. He wears a green vest with a dark long sleeved top underneath and navy blue genie pants with sandals. In his right hand is a watering can.

"I took care of your plants while you were away," he continues, laughing a bit as he starts watering the plants closest to him. I mumble a "thanks" before getting up and going back inside, though I leave the door open to let a fresh breeze in.

I go into the kitchen and put the kettle on leaving my ukulele on the table.

"So what's your name?" I hear him say from the balcony doorway, I can just catch a glimpse of him watering the plants near my door.

"Mariko, what about you?" I ask hesitantly.

"Kakashi," he replies, placing the watering can on my chair.

"Do you want some tea?" I ask as I take out a cup for myself.

"That would be nice, actually," he answers, and I can tell he's smiling underneath his mask. I take out a second cup. Soon after, the tea is ready and I fill up both cups and bring them to the balcony.

My Next Door Neighbour (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now