4 // His Apartment

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Five days have passed since Kakashi left. I still haven't gone to his apartment but on the fifth day I figured it was about time. I unlocked the door and hesitantly turned the handle.

His apartment is almost exactly like mine, just mirrored. The entrance has a small, cube-like table with a bowl on it filled with change and papers. Next to it is a small potted plant.

In the living room is a sofa, larger than mine and it certainly looks more comfortable. In front of it, is a large wooden coffee table, with three empty cups on it and two cacti. The sofa is facing a small television screen. On either side of the television are shelves filled with books, including the porno series he always seems to be reading.

From the living room, I can see the inside of the bathroom which has a kaki green shower curtain with leaf patterns. The large counter is neat other than a hair brush and a tube of toothpaste.

The kitchen has the same setup as mine but his table is much nicer. There's a fruit bowl in the center of the table. Most of the fruit has gone bad so I throw it out.

Finally, I get to his bedroom. He has a head board attached to his bed that has an alarm clock, and two photographs on it. I recognize Kakashi's Team 7 in one of them and what I'm assuming is his old team. Little Kakashi looks so grumpy, it's adorable.

On the other side of the room is a shelf filled with ninja equipment. I walk up to it, examining all the well maintained weapons on the shelf. Among them is what I recognize to be an ANBU black ops mask.

"Kakashi is part of ANBU...?" I question out loud as I pick up the mask off the shelf. It represents a dog. I put it back down on the shelf and back away from that side of the room. I let myself fall onto the bed. What else could Kakashi be hiding? I shake my head, hoping these thoughts will leave me be. I get up and leave the room, closing the door behind me.

The rest of my afternoon is spent cleaning the rest of the apartment. Vacuuming, washing the floors, and dusting. Throughout the whole process I continuously eye the door to his room. Something about it just makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's the ANBU mask or maybe it's just me being paranoid. Either way, I don't go back inside, not even to clean. By four o'clock, the place is looking sparkly clean and smells of lemon scented cleaning product.

I sit down on his couch, sinking into the soft cushions satisfactorily. The state of this apartment is a job well done, after all! I lie down and stare at the ceiling. All that cleaning really tired me out. The sofa pillows smell an awful lot like Kakashi and I find myself hugging one of them while thinking about how comfortable the couch is and how I could just fall asleep...


In the end, that's exactly what happens. I wake up to someone gently shaking my shoulder.

"Kakashi..." I mumble drowsily, keeping my eyes closed and bringing the pillow closer.

"Yes?" replies a voice. I open my eyes, slightly shocked. I sit up on the sofa hurriedly.

"K-Kakashi!?" I exclaim, a little disgruntled. I toss the pillow on the other side of the couch. "Um...welcome back?" I say, a little confused. He chuckles.

"You cleaned this place up quite a bit while I was away." He states, seating himself on the other side of the couch. He looks exhausted. I cross my legs and stay facing him. He tilts his head back to rest on a cushion.

"Mariko, would you mind getting me a glass of water?" he questions, glancing over at me.

"Sure," I answer. I get up from the sofa and fill up a glass with cold water from the tap. I walk back to Kakashi and hand him the cup. He thanks me and pats the cushion next to him, implying I should sit down, which I do. He turns away from me to pull down his mask and gulp down the water. Afterwards, he leans against the couch again.

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