I Still Love Him

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I rushed through the front door of Read Between The Lines, half an hour late and looking like crap. I'd cried myself to sleep last night, which then caused me to sleep through my alarm and gave me no time to make myself look presentable.

"You look like shit" Yoongi stated bluntly.

"Oh I didn't realize" I snapped sarcastically, I wasn't in the mood to be around anyone, especially not Yoongi. He hated Gunwoo so much and he would probably say I told you so or go on some anti-Gunwoo rant, which I really couldn't deal with at the moment.

"What's up your ass?" He ruffled his blonde hair with his hands, trying to hide his smile. Oh great, to make matters worse, Yoongi was still all love-struck from his night with Hoseok.

"Nothing" I tried to keep my tone light but I had obviously failed as Yoongi looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Is it-"

"Don't you dare even say it" I knew that he was thinking about Gunwoo and even though he was spot on about the cause of my anguish, no way was I telling him that. But I didn't even have to say anything; Yoongi gave me a knowing look but was at least kind enough to shut up about it.

For the first time in my life, I really didn't want to be at work. I wanted to be home snuggled up in bed, immersing myself in the world of the latest crime mystery I had recently gotten into. The day seemed to drag on for years, every hour actually being only 5 minutes.

It was 1:30 when Yoongi tapped me on the shoulder. I had been standing, staring into space, for a while, a book I was supposed to put away left forgotten in my hands.

"Jaehwa, I think maybe you should go home" His brown eyes soft with concern. "Or I can take you out for lunch, we can talk or at least you'll be able to clear your mind a bit".

At the thought of food, my stomach grumbled noisily, I didn't get to have breakfast and I hadn't had a chance to eat all day. Yoongi laughed as my stomach gave me away. He grabbed his coat and his keys.

"Let's go, my hungry caterpillar"

We walked in silence as we headed for this little restaurant that wasn't too far from the store. I was grateful that he didn't push me for information as he sometimes does; he must be able to tell that this time was different. I allowed my eyes to wander, taking in the quaint little shops and cute parks that were littered around. There were many flowers and plants too; most businesses had small gardens out the front, adding even more beauty to the scenery. The whole area was very green with splashes of reds, yellows, whites, blues, and violets, from all the beautiful specks of nature. The sky wasn't as pretty, it had settled into a dark grey indicating the expected storm.

It wasn't until we had arrived at the restaurant and seated at a booth near the window that faced the park that Yoongi said anything at all.

"Talk to me" I wanted to because I knew he was good at listening and I need someone to talk to but I also didn't want to because he wasn't so good at advice when it came to Gunwoo.

What should I do? Dump him. But I love him. So?

That was how it went every time and it wasn't what I wanted to hear right now.

"It's Gunwoo obviously" He scoffed as the name left his lips. I stayed quiet, my eyes on the menu. Ignoring Yoongi for the moment, the restaurant really had some nice sounding dishes, a lot of pasta dishes, which made me happy because I loved pasta so much I could literally live eating nothing else but pasta.

"Jaehwa, don't ignore me please" He used his best aegyo voice and pulled his lips into an exaggerated pout.

"God, Yoongi, give me some warning next time" I used my hands to cover the sight before me. "Really, that was horrendous". I peeked though my fingers to see Yoongi smiling his gummy smile at me and I dropped my hands.

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