Elevator Meeting

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The best smell in the world is that of old books; they're full of rich experiences, a lifetime of memories. Some old books have more personality than some individuals; they've seen more of the world, met more people.

That is why I have chosen to spend the rest of my life working at Read Between The Lines; a small vintage bookstore nestled cozily away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I love this store as if it were my own; it's the one place I feel comfortable in, like I belong. I've been working here for 5 years and I'm still in love with it.

"Kwon Jaehwa, didn't I tell you to go on your break 10 minutes ago?" I'm pulled from my thoughts by the voice of Min Yoongi, the owner of the store and my best friend.

"Where else would I rather be during my break than here?"

"You need to get a life, really" He shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. I just rolled my eyes, I was used to him teasing, and I knew he never meant it maliciously.

"How is it fair that you got given this store when I appreciate it so much more than you do?" I pouted slightly, standing up from the short stool that I had been using as a replacement chair. Yoongi had gotten this store as a birthday present from his grandfather; yeah, that's how rich his family was, they just gave each other businesses, houses and cars as presents. However, it definitely wasn't exactly what Yoongi wanted; he was more interested in music, not 'dusty old books' as he put it.

"You'll be closing up this afternoon, Hoseok and I are going out for dinner so I'll be leaving early" Yoongi had been in a relationship with his boyfriend Hoseok for almost 3 years, yet they still hadn't left the honeymoon stage. Yoongi, normally a lethargic individual with an 'I don't give a shit about anything' attitude, turned into a aegyo filled marshmallow when Hoseok was around. It's safe to say, I avoided being around them as much as I could; not that I had a problem with Hoseok, he was kind, treated Yoongi well and didn't take advantage of Yoongi's money (as his other boyfriends had done in the past).

"Wait just a minute, I have plans too" It was my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend, Gunwoo, and he had something special planned.

"With Gunwoo?" Yoongi scrunched his nose up as if he had gotten a whiff of some foul odor. Yoongi didn't like Gunwoo and he made it quite obvious. He thought Gunwoo wasn't good enough for me and that he didn't treat me right. Yeah ok so Gunwoo sometimes left me waiting for him for hours and sometimes he would ignore my calls for weeks but he always had a reason, sometimes it was just that he occasionally felt the need to be away from human contact and I respected that because I understood it. Of course there was that one thing with Sojin but that was all sorted out now anyway. Not that my relationship was any of Yoongi's business.

"Yes with Gunwoo, it's our 1 year anniversary"

"1 year too long if you ask me" He mumbled under his breath, obviously not intending for me to hear.

"I don't recall asking you" I snapped back. Gunwoo was the main cause of the rare fights we had; which created another thing Yoongi would bring up in his case against Gunwoo.

"Jaehwa, I'm sorry but I really think you need to find someone better, someone that treats you like the most precious thing in the world" He walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

"Gunwoo does" His eyebrows rose but he chose not to argue.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't gay because then you know we would be dating" He joked, bringing a smile to my lips. I was so grateful I had Yoongi; I just wish he would butt out of my love life.

In the end Yoongi decided to just close up early; it wasn't a big deal, we didn't get many customers anyway. And this way we could both go on our dates; even if Yoongi didn't like me dating Gunwoo, he never intentionally stopped me from seeing him.

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