Chapter 8

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Ross's POV
I'm at home. It's been three days since I saw Laura and I'm really missing her... I've talk to my brothers but they say I'm giving to much importance to this... I can't take her out of my head, ok?
You know what? I think I'm going to buy a new phone, just because I know her number and if I buy a new one I can talk to her like I was another person. Clever, right?
I go to a shop and I buy one phone. Then, I insert Laura's number and I start a new conversation.

*In Ross's new phone*
Me:  Hey!
Laurayay: Hey...
Me: How are you?
Laurayay: Good. But the real question is: Who are you?
Me: Someone
Laurayay: Do I know you?
Me: Idk. Do you?
Laurayay: Ok, I see what you are doing...
Me: Do you?
Laurayay: You know what? Lets play a game!
Me: Ok, cool! 'Cause I'm not rlly happy...
Laurayay: Neither am I
Me: :(
Laurayay: Ok, so... I ask questions and you just can answer with yes or no...
Me: Okay
Laurayay: Are you under 25 years old?
Me: Yes (young, wild and free)
Laurayay: Do you have boyfriend/girlfriend?
Me: Nop, I'm still single... :(
Laurayay: Are you male?
Me: Yaaass
Laurayay: Not that it matters but... Are you straight?
Me: Yeah
Laurayay: Are u from America?
Me: YES!!!
Laurayay: Are you said because you break up with someone?
Me: Not rlly
Me: Well, enough of questions. Now its my turn
Laurayay: Ok, fair.
Me: So... Do you have a boyfriend?
Laurayay: Hmmm

Really? Is she doing this again?

Me: Yes or No??!!
Laurayay: Calm down... Yes
Me: Why didn't you answer it the first time?
Laurayay: Idk...
Laurayay: I like you. You sound like my best friend!
Me: Do I? Is he cool?
Laurayay: Rlly Rlly cool :(
Me: Why did you use " :( " ?
Laurayay: He's mad at me. He doesn't even want to be my friend anymore...
Me: to him! :)
Laurayay: I can't. I made a deal with his sister... :(
Me: Oh... I'm rlly sorry!
Laurayay: Don't be. It's not your fault. Its his fault, not yours...
Me: His fault?! Don't you mean your fault?!!!

Oops! I forgot that I don't want Laura to find out who I am...

Laurayay: Are you okay? Calm down!
Me: I'm tottaly good.
Laurayay: Good :)
Me: You can talk to me whenever you need, ok? If your "best friend" is not here, at least I am

Ouch! writing this hurts me...

Laurayay: How can I trust you?
Me: Idk. how can you?
Laurayay: Why do you do this to me?
Me: Idk. why am I doing this?
Laurayay: I'm starting to like you, you know?
Me: Yeah, I'm pretty awesome!
Me: Oh! And... I'll be here from now on :)
Laurayay: Sounds awesome :) I gtg now
Me: :( Bye sweetie
*Finished Conversation*
So... This was pretty great! She doesn't even know who I am and likes me! So great!
Oh! Someone just send me a message...

*In Ross's old phone*
Courtney: Can you pick me up for Friday's party?
Me: Sure! Just tell me when you're ready!
Courtney: Thanks! You're a sweet heart <3

Wait! Is Courtney interested on me??!

Finally an Update, am I right?  I am sorry...
So, sweeties, What do you think of this chapter? I rlly rlly like it Idk why...
Oh! And just for you to know, I'm a Raura shipper but I like Courtney, so Idk what is going to be the end...
Vote and Comment what do you think and try to guess what's going to happen!
All the love,

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