Selling My Soul to His Royal Nerdiness. (9)

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The lyrics are in italics, but they are few. And if you want to skip them anyways, you can. The song is on the side, along with a picture of Silas---> I’ve decided to start posting pictures of the cast. :) Sorry it took a little longer than normal!



Annabel Taylor

“Anna. Annabel, it’s time to get up.”

I groaned sleepily and slowly opened my eyes. Noah’s face was a few inches from mine as he gently shook my shoulder. His glasses were askew and he was still dressed in what he was wearing last night: no shirt, flannel pants.

His eyes were softer than usual. Like buttery chocolate. A very pretty color, if you ask me. The thought made my stomach grumble a little.

I might be tough, but I’m still a girl. I can appreciate the finer things in life. (Noah’s stomach, for example). He was completely oblivious to my oogling, standing up and looking around my room.

“What are you doing?” I groaned sleepily. “I swear, is it’s before 12:00 PM I’m going to kick your skinny--"

“You promised,” he reminded me. “First thing in the morning.”

That was one promise that I regretted making.

After the who Silas incident, I was peeved. And angry. And maybe just a little too giddy for my liking.

To cool off, I drove around a little. And okay, maybe it was more than a little while, but Noah had no right to complain as much as he did. I was obviously in a mood, and he was just making it worse.

He complained and complained and complained until finally, I got tired of it and dropped him off on the side of the road.

I may or may not have sped off and left him there.

He tried to run after the car and I slammed on breaks. He ran into the back of it.

And while it may look funny in movies, it actually really hurts. Noah refused to speak to me, partly because he’d broken his glasses and partly due to the fact that the library had closed while i was having my hissy fit. And, well, I tried to leave him on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

So, feeling a little bad, I’d promised that I’d take him wherever he wanted to go, first thing in the morning.

Worst. Promise. Ever.

“Ten more minutes,” I groaned, shoving my face back into the pillow. I tried not to peek at his stomach again, I really did, but my eyes had a mind of their own.


“Seven.” I argued.



I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again, I really did. But the gaze on the side of my head was really distracting.

“Noah,” I mumbled. “Would you mind not staring at me?”

“Sorry. It’s just...” He sounded hesitant.

I cracked open an eye. “Just what?” My stomach did a funny flip.

“You’ve got a stream of spit on the side of your mouth.”


The library was air conditioned, brick, and much larger than I’d expected. I wasn’t a huge reader, so I didn’t come here very often. The carpets were an old gray blue color. There were wooden tables stationed around, holding computers. There was only a handful of people in the building.

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