Chapter 1

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Somewhere in Konoha...

"Hahahaha!!! Catch me if you can!"

A blonde blob stuck his tongue out to some Jounin, wonder why he's being chased by some adults? Well as you can see... The blonde blob drew graffiti on the Hokage Mountain..

The Jounins were speeding through town trying to catch the yellow blob, they ran and ran everywhere. They pretty much discovered the whole village!

"I think he went this way!!"

One of the Jonin said, as they kept running

They ran pass a street, the yellow blob ahead of the Jounins, but somehow got behind them using a cloth the matches the fence to camouflage

"Haha! That was too easy!"

The yellow blob laughed his butt off, because he fooled them

Then suddenly a man was standing right in front of him, it was Iruka

"Oh Yeah Naruto?!?!"

Naruto leaped into the like a cat

"Ahh!! Where did you come from, Iruka Sensei?! And what are you doing here?"

The blonde boy known as Naruto asked surprised by his sensei

"And what are you doing, here? You're supposed to be in class!"

Iruka Sensei scolded Naruto

---Time Skip---
-----To The Academy-----

"You're right at he end of my rope Naruto, you failed the graduation test last time and the time before that, tomorrow you got another chance, and you're messing it up again!!"

Iruka said calmly yet anger was buried deep inside him

Naruto? He just turned his head around ignoring his Sensei

This time, Iruka let his anger come out

"Fine! Because you missed it Naruto, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!!"


Everyone groaned


The (h/c) haired 'boy' said to himself


"Alright Sakura here, let's do this!! Transform!!"

The pinkette transformed into Iruka Sensei

"Transformed into me? Good.."

The pinkette then transformed back into her original self

"Yes I did It! Yes!!"
"I kicked butt!!!!"

Her two personalities said

"Sasuke-kun! Did you see that?! Did you see, Sasuke-kun!!

"Next Sasuke Uchiha.."

A boy with a duck like hairstyle came up, he transformed into Iruka again

"Uh, Good"

Iruka praised and started to call out names again

"Seriously? Why is everyone only transforming into Iruka?"

Said a person in the back, 'his' (e/c) eyes showing boredom

"Next! Naruto Uzumaki!!"

Iruka said calling out the yellow blob's name

"This is a total waste of time"

"We always pay for your, screwups!"

Two trainees said a little frustrated

"Yeah, like I care!"

He shot back and came up front

'You can do it Naruto!'

A girl with dark purple hair praised him silently in the back


But instead of a transformation jutsu he did his sexy jutsu on his sensei. A girl with long pigtails , naked was in front of Iruka

What happened? Iruka had a major nose bleed and went flying at the back of the classroom

"Hahahaha! Got ya! That's my sexy jutsu! Hahahahahaha!!"

The blonde laughed but was surprised by Iruka shouting

"Cut with the stupid tricks, Naruto!! This is your last warning!!"


Someone said

"Yes, (y/n)?"

Iruka replied turning to the (h/c) haired 'boy' ignoring Naruto's screams and rants

"Is it my turn? I've been waiting fir a very long time ya'know?"

'He' said putting his arms behind his head in boredom

"A-Ah Yes! Sorry!!"

Iruka motioned him to come up

"............ Transform!!"

Well this was unexpected, instead of Iruka, he transformed into Naruto!

"Very good, (y/n). But why did you transformed into Naruto?"

Iruka asked

"He has more details and his hair is harder to copy than yours, so I thought to make a it a challenge for me to copy an exact replica of this yellow blob here"

(y/n) said still in Naruto's form

"W-Wow... With you in Naruto's form, Naruto says and looks more mature than his real self!"

Iruku praised, laughing

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