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Hey guys.. I'm back. After like... A month? 2? Whatever. Anyways. I have not really have any other motivation on this story and I don't even know where is this gonna go even. There are so many plot holes. And made it on a whim.


So I hope you are willing to bare with crappy writing and belated updates.

Edit: I changed the description lol, so it won't look so crappy.

"You slept with Naruto?!" Everyone is shocked, but (Y/N) just brushed it off,

"Seriously guys, I though I heard something break.. It might be really important.."

"It was really important!!"

"Really? We should get it--"

"It was my heart!!" Sakura and Ino screamed at (Y/N), who just slowly backed away from the two demons in front of them.

'I hope their minions don't jump on me as well.." (Y/N) shudders internally, the beading eyes of the other girls stare at them.

"W-Wait..." Naruto stopped the silence, now getting the attention of the girls. He flinched lightly.

"Y-You g-guys taught that w-we..." The blonde slowly turns green, (Y/N) looks at him in question until a horrid vision appeared in their mind.

"WHAT?!" (Y/N) looked at everyone wide eyed.  'How could they think that?!'

They looked at the girls in disgust, "You guys really are... ugh.."

Iruka then comes in the classroom, surprising everyone, "All right kids, your teachers are waiting for you." He looks at the wondering, "Why are you all huddling up like that? Is there a secret I must not know?" He grins a bit.

"N-Nothing sensei..." Everyone quietly replied.

Iruka raised a brow, but shrugs it off. "Okay then, go meet your teachers. I already told you which classroom to go with your team, right?" "Yes sensei," "Good. Now off you go."

Everybody scurried off to their respective classrooms, still dumbfounded at what had happened. Sakura and Ino are still dead inside as they make their way to the door, wobbling. Sasuke? Well I think he ignored the whole situation.

Naruto and (Y/N) watched as the numbers of students in the classroom disappear. Both shrugged their shoulders as they also started to make their way to their classroom.


On their way to their classroom, Sakura trailed behind them, still white as a ghost, Sasuke in front of them, leading  them or so to their Sensei, and with Naruto and (Y/N) in the middle, busy chatting away about their favorite types of ramen.

As they were waking, something popped up in (Y/N)'s mind, "Shouldn't we change our clothes right now?" Naruto blinked at their question, "Eh?" Naruto looked at his clothes and realized, "Oh yeah, we should... but," (Y/N) stared at Naruto with bored eyes as they strutted, "We're lazy.." "Super lazy." Duo rolled their eyes.

They accidentally bump into Sasuke, and fell down, and this mofo, who seemed to have no effect on the collision, "Oh god, what are you? Rival-chan?" (Y/N) muttered under their breath. Sasuke raises a brow, "Nothing, nothing."

Naruto pulled himself back up, and offered (Y/N) a hand, who gladly accepted it, and then they dust themselves off.

"Anyways, who do you think our Sensei's gon' be?"

"A Jonin obviously."

"Wow, thanks Sasuke."

"I know right?! Sasuke-kun's so smart!"

(Y/N) stared at Sakura, the pink haired bi-- genin was just there, hands clasped together and a dreamy smile on her lips.

Sakura noticed (Y/N)'s weird stares from their (E/C) eyes, "What?" (Y/N) looked away, weirded out how gullible she is, "N-Nothing, Haruno-san.."

Sakura looked at (Y/N), then an idea popped into her mind, she blushed madly, 'OH MY! DOES (L/N) HAVE A CRUSH ON ME?! THOSE WERE LOVE LOOKS, WEREN'T THEY?!' Her inner self fangirled. She looked at the back of (Y/N)'s head as she imagined how her life would be we them. She sighed happily,

"I love you too, (L/N)-kun..."

"What was that?" Sakura was caught!

"I-I uhh.. Nothing nothing!"

"O...kay... anyways we're here."

They stood in front of the door, and they slid it open and walked in. What? Do I really need a very detailed description of opening a door? Fine, here's some dramatic music.

[dramatic music]


"When's our sensei gon' come?" (Y/N) asked bored, Naruto groaned in response, "Dunno, he's fashionably late." (Y/N) looked over, "Hn." They hummed in answer.

Minutes passed and their teacher hasn't shown up. (Y/N) kept playing with their (LONG/SHORT/ETC) hair, Sakura had her mind off somewhere in dream land, Sasuke... well, I have no idea what he's doing. Hands clasped together and just staring dead straight onto the chalk board. Naruto, gone from (Y/N)'s side and on a chair tiptoed, trying to place a chalk eraser on top of the sliding door.

Naruto smirked, done placing the eraser on top, he dusted off the chalk dust from his hands. He places them on his hips, "Heh, this is what they get for being late!" He turned his head to (Y/N) , with a sly grin and a thumb up, "They won't know what hit 'em."

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