The New Boyfriend

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     "For a Thursday, this place is packed," noted Terra, "Maybe we should go somewhere else." She looked up at me to get my opinion.

    "I think we should just stay here," I said, "look there's a booth over there." I pointed to an empty booth in the far corner of the coffee place. We make our way to the booth and take our seats. Only a moment later a tousled-looking woman appears in front of us and asks for our orders. "Just a mocha latte for me and my friend will have-" I cut off looking to Terra to order.

"I'll have a cinnamon bagel, please," she said, ever politely. The woman smiled and took off. Terra turned back to face me. "Why are we here again?" She asked.

    I sigh and roll my eyes, "I've told you already; I need to tell you something important and you have to meet someone!" She huffed and pulled her arms towards her to hug her body.

    "Who?" She has probably asked this a thousand times. Each time she got more desperate and crabby. What is her problem?

    "I told you it's a surprise," I said calmly. Just then our order arrived. Terra immediately started tearing her bagel into pieces, not looking at me as she did. I bit my lip. This wasn't going like I planned. I discreetly checked my phone under the table. 1 New Message!  I unlocked my phone and smiled as I read what the text said. Be there in 5. See you when I get there. Hope your friend loves me.

     I pressed the "off" button and looked up to see Terra staring at me. "What are you smiling at?" She asked me flatly.

    "A text," I answered. She made a sour face and sighed.

    "From who, Beth," she asked, her eyes boring into mine searching for an answer. It was surprisingly intense and I found myself at a loss for worse. I began to stammer, but just then a weight dropped into the booth next to me and an arm draped around my shoulders.

    There sat a blonde, dimpled, brown eyed boy. I gulped, "Terra meet Peter. My boyfriend."


"How long have you been seeing him? What's his middle name? Where did you meet him? How come you haven't told me? Why? Beth, do you even know him? What if he's a psycho? Do you trust him? I don't. What if he hurts you?"

She trails off staring at somewhere in the distance. "Are you done yet?" I ask. She doesn't reply so I take it as a yes. "It's been 6 months, his middle name is Ryan, we met at school, I haven't told you because I knew you'd freak out, I like him, I know him quite well, he's not a psycho, I trust him, he won't hurt me."

"He could," she simply said in reply.

"And so could you," I snapped, "but I still hang out with you."

Her eyes drifted over to met mine. The sadness and emptiness caused me to do a double take. "You didn't tell me," she whispered, her voice breaking in the middle. Oh no. Terra don't cry.
Too late. She started crying and ran to her room. Moments later I heard her door slam. I was left standing alone in the kitchen staring at my hands. I actually hurt her. Oh god.

Good going, I thought. With a large sigh I put my head in my hands. Terra, forgive me? I didn't think what I did was so bad, but I understand her feelings. She's my best friend I should've told her earlier.

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