New Home

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    The brick apartment looked warm and comforting compared to the cold winter air outside. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around my torso. Setting off at a fast walk, I made my way to the door. As I entered a warm blast hit my cold face. I allowed my face to pull into a small smile before unwrapping my scarf.

I had just moved in here and hadn't gotten used to the building yet. After looking around for a moment I finally recognized the staircase Terra had led me up this afternoon. I pulled the silver key from my pocket once I got to our door. It took me a minute, but I finally got into our apartment. I pushed the door shut behind me and set my keys on the counter with a clang.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled. I heard a bang and before I knew it Terra was standing in front of me questioning me about my day. I laughed and brushed passed her to the fridge. "What's for dinner? I'm starved."

"I was thinking we could order pizza and watch some movies?" She said this like a question. I smiled and nodded. Terra grinned and grabbed her phone to order the pizza. "So," Terra said when she was finished, "How was your day?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Difficult. No one was in a good mood today. And my classes were especially stressful. How was your day?"

"Easy compared to yours. Only one stressful class. I spent the rest of the day waiting for you to get home." Terra gazed up at me through gleaming hazel eyes. Now that we had grown older I had become the biggest. I was taller than Terra by at least three inches; this made Terra very frustrated. She was still the stronger one though. The brunette was constantly working out, I was jealous of her body. It's not that mine was bad, I just had no time to make it better.

"Weirdo," I said moving towards my bedroom. She made a face at me before walking into the living room and turning on the tv. She prepared everything for a movie night. We had just moved in so everything was still in boxes. I watched, from my doorway, as she dug through them searching for movies. Finally she emerged with two movies in her hand.

Terra rummaged around for blankets and pillows. When the living room was set to her standards, she looked up. I guess she didn't realize I was watching her because she immediately blushed and looked away. I laughed. "Nice job, dork. Let's start the movie before the pizza gets here."

Terra nodded and put the movie in. It started. I voiced my approval, "Avatar is my favorite."

My friend looked at me, her hazel eyes gleaming with something indiscernible. "I know," Was all she said. I opened my mouth to ask what was up right when there was a buzz. The pizza was here. Terra jumped up and left me alone with my thoughts. I wondered what was wrong with her. Maybe she was lying and she had a bad day. She seemed alright. Stop worrying. She'll tell you if it's important.

Terra came back with two pizza boxes balanced in one hand. I dashed into the kitchen and grabbed found two cups to put the soda in, which she carried in the other hand. I took it from her and poured us a glass. Meanwhile, Terra set up the pizza boxes so that we could reach from our spot on the couch.

I came in and handed Terra her soda. She played the movie. For a while I was a good distance from my friend, but I kept inching closer until finally I laid my head on her lap. My eyelids felt heavy, but I wanted to watch the rest of the movie. I felt Terra stroking my hair and talking, but I didn't answer. She laughed, a quiet giggle, before kissing me on the forehead and picking me up. I felt her lay me down on my bed. As soon as my head touched my pillow I fell asleep.

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