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put pictures or angels all around the manor

hide Sebastian x Ciel yaoi in their closet and bathrooms

set up trap doors and other traps around the manor

talk in a really fake stereotypical British accent

Try and impersonate Sebastian

Hide Grell in a cat suit in Sebastian's closet

Set the manor on fire (you probably shouldn't) (caution: only do this when everyone is out)

Replace all the chocolate in the manor with dirt

When everyone is asleep replace all the plants in the garden with poisonous ones

Put hydrangea leaves in the tea

Tell Sebastian dogs are better then cats

Tell Ciel cats are better then dogs

Call Sebastian a cat-obsessed moron

Raise the undead

Sell Ciel at the black market

Shove a crucifix down Sebastian's throat

Ways to annoy Ciel and SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now