Chapter 3

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Louis’s POV

We had an interview and I really wasn’t looking forward to it. It was just a radio interview, but today I just didn’t feel like doing anything. I wasn’t feeling quite as cheery as I normally was lately, and I don’t think anyone but me has noticed. I try to act especially happy when I am in public because I don’t want the fans noticing that my heart is slowly breaking into a million pieces.

I don’t even know what radio station the interview was for; I wasn’t listening when Paul told us. I’m pretty sure none of us were. But we had a driver, so it didn’t matter if we had no idea where we were going.

I woke up with my head resting on Zayn’s shoulder. I looked around the room and noticed all of the other boys were still asleep. Niall and Liam were hugging each other tightly on the loveseat and Harry, Zayn, and I were all on the couch. Zayn was on my right, leaning on the arm of the couch and Harry was on my left, his face nuzzled into my side. I looked back at Zayn and admired his perfect features.

His hair was in every direction, but it didn’t take away from his facial features. His lips were slightly parted, and I could hear his heavy breathing. His eyes were closed lightly, his thick eyelashes barely touching.       

My eyes darted to his lips. They looked so kissable. I felt myself slowly leaning in towards his face. I was just inches away from kissing him when I stopped myself, realizing what I was about to do. I knew I couldn’t kiss him. He is dating Perrie, and of course he’s straight.

I’m not good enough for him anyways. Zayn is so perfect, and I’m just… well, me. I would never have a chance with him, even if he was gay. I got up from the couch, slowly lifting Harry off of me and laying him down. He ended up with his head on Zayn’s lap.

I walked into the kitchen quietly, trying not to wake anyone. When I got into the kitchen, I looked for breakfast that I wouldn’t burn down the house making. I looked through the cabinets and found our large hoard of varied cereals. I grabbed the box of lucky charms and got the milk out of the fridge.

After a few minutes I heard someone walking into the kitchen. A few seconds later, Harry walked in yawning and rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up some. He walked up to the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice, screwing the cap off and drinking it right out of the carton.

“Harry, just get a glass. It’s not that hard.” I told him while putting my bowl and spoon into the sink.

“Well then you have to like wash the cup and everything. It’s too much work.” Harry complained. “Besides, none of you have noticed with the milk before.” He said, shrugging as he put the orange juice back in the fridge.

“So I just had cereal and Harry spit for breakfast?” I asked him.

“Sure, if you think of it that way.” Harry said as he stared blankly at the wall, obviously trying hard not to fall back asleep.

Suddenly Harry sat up and ran over to me. “We should get revenge on Zayn and Niall.” Harry said, referring to when they woke us up on the tour bus.

“We should like pour honey on them or something.” I smiled at my idea.

“Yeah!” Harry whisper screamed.

We grabbed two bottles of honey from the cabinets and quietly crept into the living room where the boys were sleeping. I went over to Niall and Harry went over to Zayn. I covered Niall’s shirt and pants in honey and then the same with his face. I took an extra minute with his hair, trying to get it in as much of his hair as possible.

When I had used up all of the honey in the container I went over to look at Zayn. Harry had done the same thing as me, but managed to cover his neck in the gooey substance as well as his face. I gave Harry a thumbs up at his work.

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