Chapter 5

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Louis’s POV

The Take Me Home tour had started again and we were all happy and sad at the same time. We couldn’t wait to perform again, but having the time off was nice. We were in the dressing room getting ready and I sighed, as I didn’t really feel like doing anything today.

Lately I had been feeling more on the edge and ended up almost snapping at people a lot. After I would feel slightly saddened for a little while and then go back to normal. All of the other boys noticed my mood changes and everyone except for Harry had no idea what had happened.

I noticed that the only time my mood would change would have something to with Perrie. Zayn has been talking about her a lot lately, and I’m glad that not everyone has put the pieces together. I looked down at the ground and scuffed my shoes on the ground, feeling like I usually did before I would get temporarily moody.

One of the stage crew people told us it was time to go on stage, and I was suddenly annoyed at how pushy he could be. I rolled my eyes at him when he wasn’t facing us and followed behind Niall to the stage.

We got quickly pushed on the stage and everyone but me had an excited smile on their face. I could hear the screaming of the fans and I scowled, sick of how loud they always were. From the corners of my eyes I saw Harry give me a sympathetic look and a small smile. I slowed down my walking and approached him, giving him a shy smile back to tell him that I was ok.

We got closer to the stage and the screams of the fans got louder and louder. Harry gave me a final pat on the back before we separated, walking to our places we would enter the stage from. When instructed we ran out on stage, and the crowd today was huge.

The concert went as they usually do, and I tried really hard to look happy and excited, even though all I wanted to do was sulk in misery. The concert was almost over and I was counting down the songs until we would get to go back to the bus.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. I looked over and saw Niall, who was giving me a questioning look.

“We’re starting the next song and you were spaced out.” Niall’s voice sounded the slightest bit concerned, I had been doing this a lot lately and the lads had definitely noticed.

“Sorry.” I snapped, my emotions taking over my body. A tiny look of hurt flashed on Niall’s face, but disappeared just as quickly.

We sang the next song and soon enough we got off the stage. We took the walk back to our dressing room, where I immediately sat down on the couch, still irritated for no apparent reason. Harry gave me a sympathetic smile, and I looked back at him, unable to give him a genuine smile.

I really wanted to go home and sulk, as I hadn’t ever gotten this pissed off at everything before, and I really didn’t want to snap at anyone. I had done that a few times to Harry in the past couple of weeks and I felt guilty even though he said he forgave and understood me.

All of a sudden I felt the couch dip next to me and I saw Niall’s smiling face looking at me with concern. My emotions took over again and I gave him a cold stare and his facial expression changed the second my eyes met his.

“Louis, you’ve been really moody lately. I have no idea why, but we’re all worried about you.” Niall seemed slightly nervous, but I didn’t blame him because I was unintentionally giving him a hard stare.

“Well I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly fine, so just back off.” The words slipped out of my mouth before I had time to think. I felt guilty but I couldn’t bring myself to apologize, even when a look of hurt washed over Niall’s face. Niall sat up and walked away from the couch quickly, eying me suspiciously while he went over to a chair in the other side of the room.

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