Imagine: kili asking you to spend one more night with him part 2

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Kilis pov
I looked down at the sleeping figure to only see the love of my life laying next to me and to only feel a rush of sadness and regret for not asking her to marry me when I had the chance so I hugged her tighter and kissed her head and said

"I love you Y/N"

As I said that she moved around in her sleep so her back was facing me so I sat up picked up my clothing put it on then walked out and made my way back home to try and change filis mind on me getting married to the princess of iron hill.

Your pov
You woke to the felt of a nice cool breeze hitting your skin so you rolled over to see that kili wasn't there instead a dwarvish made necklace and a note so you picked up the note and read it

My love no matter what happens between me and you I will never be able to the show the love I have you to the princess of iron hill, my heart belongs to you and only you sometimes I wish fili knew that please don't forget me

As you read that you felt your heart break and you felt a tear roll down your cheek so you allowed it then picked up the necklace held it tightly in your hand and said

"I love you kili and only you"

Then laid your head back on the pillow and cried into it wishing he was yours, wishing fili knew how much you two loved each other.

Kilis pov
I walked in the throne room to see fili sitting on the throne so I took a deep breath then sighed and said

"Fili we need to talk"

As I said that fili smiled then got if his throne then walked up to me and said

"Kili brother where were you last night"

As he said that I remembered back to last night wishing fili knew how much I loved Y/N then said

"I was out with oin camping but what I need to talk you about is"

Before I could say anything else he put his arm around me and smiled then said

"Soon you will be getting married and starting your own family"

"That's what I need to talk to you about, I don't want to marry the princess of iron hill"

As I said that fili let go of me then stepped back and said

"Who is she"

As he said that I looked down at my feet and said

"Y/N, fili I love Y/N"

As I said that he looked at me and said

"Where were you really last night"

"With Y/N, fili cancel the wedding I want to marry Y/N"

"And what end the line of durin no I can't do it, I won't do it"

As he said that he walked off so I walked after him said

"Why not"

"Because she has no Royal in her blood line"

"So I don't care I love her and I want to marry her, you know have changed I see it in you"

With that I started to walk away but I was interrupted by fili say

"Where are you going"

As he said that I turned around and said

"I going back to my love, back to the woman I'm gonna call my wife"

As I said that fili stood up and said

"You will not marry her"

As he said that I walked up to him to only see him pull out his sword so I got my bow and arrow ready and when I did I looked at him and said

"I love you brother I really do but but I'm not marry the princess and I don't want to let go of this arrow so I'm gonna put it away and walk away to go and marry the love of my life now when I walk away you can either kill me or let me go but remember this you are my family and I'm yours and I love you and walking out you will break my heart it really will but seeing you become the King thorin he will become kills me and I can see it is happing all ready so I'm walking away and I'm sorry and I will always love you and please forgive me"

With that I put my bow and arrow away then walked off to only hear fili put his sword away so I walked out to only feel the nice breeze hit my skin and to only feel a tear roll down my face because I don't want to leave my brother but I'm not staying there to see him die for gold so I ran to Y/N place to ask her to marry me and to start a family with me.

Filis pov
I watched as kili walked away to have the feeling of sadness rush through me so I threw the crown off and ran to my room wishing I wasn't the King wishing my little brother didn't walk out on my like that.

Your pov
You sat on your chair holding the necklace kili gave you and the note to only feel tears roll down your face so you allowed it to only hear your front door open so you stood up and looked over to see kili standing there looking like he was about to cry so you put on an apologetic look walked up to him to only feel him pull you closer to him and crash his lips with yours so you kissed back then pulled away and said

"No I can't your getting married today"

As he said that he put his hand on your face then said

"To you"

With that you looked at him to see that he was still upset so you put on a confused look then said

"How come your upset"

"Because fili won't allow it but I don't care I love you and I want to marry you so please Y/N marry me"

With that you smiled then pulled him closer and made your foreheads touch then said

"Yes I will marry you"

With that he smiled then kissed you so you kissed him to only feel a tear roll down his face and hit your lip because he he is afraid, afraid of loosing his brother to the gold in that mountain.

Hey guys so I know there should've been a part two but I couldn't resit and in sorry if this suck and should I make this into a story comment below what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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