Imagine: aidan asking you to marry him on valentines day

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"Happy Valentine's Day babe"

As Aidan said that you felt his lips on your neck so you closed your eyes to take in his touch to only feel his lips travel down your neck to your chest so you smiled and moaned a small moan to only hear him say

"What do you wanna do today"

As he said that he went back to kissing your chest so you laughed and said

"I think I know what you want to do today"

As you said that he lifted his head and smiled so you smiled to only feel his lip on yours so you kissed back then he pulled apart and said

"I'm not argue but I wouldn't mind staying in bed all day with you and just snuggle"

With that you laughed then said

"You have a different kind of definition of snuggling"

With that he kissed your neck so you smiled and placed your hands in his hair to only feel him smile on your skin and to only hear him say

"Yea but my kind of snuggling is fun and I know you think so because last night was evidence"

With that you laughed a small laugh then placed your head on the pillow to only hear him laugh so you smiled pulled his face close to yours and when you did he kissed you so you kissed back then he pulled apart and said

"No really what do you want to do today"

With that you smiled and said

"Whatever you want"

With that his lip found your neck so you smiled placed your hands in his hair and well you know what happens next.

A few hours later
"Ok so we did what I want now we have to do what you want and don't say what ever you want because I will feel guilty for not doing what you want to do"

With that you got on top of him so he sat up so you smiled and said

"Let's go to the beach or to somewhere really nice"

With that he placed his hands on your legs and started rubbing them so you smiled to only hear him say

"Ok let's go"

As he said that you looked at him and smiled then said


With that he smiled then nodded his head so you kissed him to only feel him kiss you so you pulled apart and said

"Ok I'm gonna go for a shower"

With that you got up and walked to the closet picked out some clothes then made your way to the bathroom but before you got in the bathroom you turned around and said

"Aren't you coming"

With that he smiled then sat up and said

"I will soon I promise babe"

With that you smiled walked up to him and kissed him then walked in the bathroom and played music and went for a shower.

Aidan's pov
I watched as Y/N walked in the bathroom to only feel a smile grow on my face so I allowed it then sat up straighter opened the drawer picked up the small box and opened it to see this beautiful ring with Y/F/C colours on it so I smiled and said

"Please say yes"

As I said that I put the box down then walked in the shower to have a shower with her.

Your pov
You walked out of the shower to only hear Aidan do the same so you wrapped a towel around your body and walked in the room to get changed, as you where getting changed you heard Aidan walk out of the bathroom so you smiled to only feel him pull you closer and to only hear him say

"Can I ask you something"

As he said that you felt his hands on your stomach so you placed your hands on his and said

"Sure what is it babe"

With that he let go of you then put your hand on his and pulled you to the bed so you sat on it to only see him pick up a small box so you smiled to only see him sit next to you and to only hear him say

"I love you Y/N I really do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you even if I have to go through hell just to spend the rest of my life with you so please Y/N marry me"

As he said that you felt tears roll down your face so you wiped it away and looked at him to see his brown eyes looking at yours so you wiped it away and wrapped your arms around his neck and crashed your lips with his so he kissed you back so you pulled apart and said

"Yes I will marry you Aidan"

With that he smiled then pulled you closer and kissed you so you kissed back to only feel him smile within the kiss so you smiled then he pulled apart placed his forehead on yours then said

"I love you Y/N"

With that you smiled then said

"I love you to Aidan"

With that he put the ring on your finger so you smiled then he kissed you and said

"Let's go to the beach"

With that you smiled then he stood up and held out his hand for you so you took then you and him walked to his car and got in then he drove you to the beach so you can spend time with him.

Sorry for the crappy ending but please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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