Imagine: you and aidan play fighting

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You sat on the lounge going through Aidan's baby photos to only feel a smile grow on your face and to only hear Aidan say

"How can you be smiling it's 9 in the morning"

As he said that you looked at him and smiled then said

"You know you where so cute when you where young"

As you said he rubbed his eyes the ran his fingers through his hair and looked at you and said

"You found them"

With you saying that you looked at him and smiled then showed him a photo of him as young boy and said

"Look that cute little face"

As you said that he rubbed his eyes and said

"No I was an ugly kid, I mean look at me now give it here"

With that he step forward to take the photo but you moved it and when you did he sat down and said

"I'm tired"

With that you sat back down to only feel him grab you by the waist so you moved around to try and get out of his embrace but he was to strong so you laughed a small laugh to only hear yourself say

"Trust me your cute look at you"

With that you showed him the photo to only feel him take it from you and lean back so you turned around and said

"Give it back I wasn't done looking at it"

With that he smiled then said


As he said that you laughed then said

"Why not"

"Because I'm ugly and because I'm ugly that's all I can think of"

As he said that you sat up straighter to only yourself say

"Your not ugly your better then me that's for sure"

As you said that he smiled then said

"Ok before I give the photo back you have to kiss me"

As he said that you sighed the rolled your eyes and smiled then got on his lap and crashed your lips with his to only feel him pull you closer so you smiled to only feel his hands make their way up your shirt so you pulled apart and said

"You did that on purpose"

With that he smiled and said

"Actually I didn't and it's not my fault that you have the most smoothest skin that I have ever touched"

As he said that you moved your hands down his side to only hear him hold back a moan so you smiled to only hear him say

"Now your doing this on purpose"

With that you smiled and laughed a small to only feel him pull you closer and crash his lips with yours so you smiled and laughed a small laugh and tried pulling away but he was too strong so you gave up and just your hands in his hair to only feel him pull you closer and lower you do you smiled to only feel your back hit the lounge and when it did he pulled apart and said

"I guess play fighting is a turn on for you"

As he said that you laughed a small smile to only feel his lips on your neck so you but your lip to fight back a moan but you couldn't so you let it escape to only hear yourself say

"With you it is"

With that you felt him smile against your skin so you pulled him closer to only feel him pick you up and carry you to his room and when he did he got on top of you and well you know what happens next and let's just say you and Aidan might be playing fighting a lot more now.

Sorry if it's bad but please comment what you think and I hope you like it😘😘✌🏻️

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