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A/N this chapter contains a mature scene so if you're uncomfortable with it don't read it.
~flashback to the night before~

"Hurry up and get on the bed. Now!", He growled in my ear, while he pressed me up against the door, a beer in one hand.

It was 4 in the afternoon and I had just gotten home from work when I discovered beer cans and liquor bottles littering the floor.

People, that I didn't know, were passed out on the floor. I had gone to the kitchen to make dinner when Jesse, my step brother, found me. They brought me here, to my own room.

The smell of alcohol lingered around my face and tickled my nose. I almost sneezed but stopped myself just as I was about to.

A tear silently trickled down my face in protest but I decided to obey his command in fear of being hit. Why me? I've been a good girl, why me?

He sneered his nose up at me obviously disgusted, "you think you can just go around teasing people and not expect to be taught a lesson? This is all your fault you little slut."

He walked over to the bed where I was sitting and pressed my back against the disarrayed bed. My fault? I froze in place, tears flowing even more than they were.  No, no way this is my fault. It's his.

"No!" I shouted and pressed my hands on his shoulders to push his nasty weight off of me but he overpowered me and held me down.

"Oh stop it slut," he openly laughed as if I was a child, "now take your pants off." I tried to ignore my brother's drunken orders, and kept still. Suddenly his fist came in contact with my face with a loud thud.

On reflex, I clutched the left side of my face and cringed. New tears threatened to prick my eyes as I did. This is all probably just a dream. It'll go away. At least that's what I tried to tell myself.

The newfound soreness left behind a sharp sting, knocking me nearly unconscious. But unluckily, I was still very much so conscious.

I barely heard him mutter a curse under his breath as he attempted to take out a knife from his pocket. He struggled to open it in his drunken state and raggedly began cutting my pants and underwear off.

"Jesse.. Please.. No.." I weakly pleaded with him before I floated out of consciousness.

~end of flashback~

By the time I opened my mind to my surroundings and stopped walking, I noticed the trees had disappeared. I'm lost. Oh no. What do I do now? I panicked and started hyperventilating slightly.

I shivered, not only in coldness, but in disgust at myself. How could I have let him do this to me? God Angel! You're so stupid. Now you're lost with nowhere to go.

This is the one time I wish I had payed attention in girl scouts! No, you've got this Angel, focus. I closed my eyes for a moment, relishing in the biting air.

You've gotten this far at least keep going for a while longer. I bit my tongue and held my head up high, clutching the remnants of my sweater close to my body.

I trudged onwards and fought the urge to collapse and curl up in a ball. Don't do this now, Angel. You'll make it! I encouraged myself to carry on.

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